Chapter 35: Embracing Dad

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"Here, Daddy, open your present from me!" Emma exclaimed as she ran toward Finn. They were back at home after spending most of Christmas with Rory's family, and now they were exchanging the last few remaining gifts. Finn had opted to wait until he could open his gifts from his girls in private.

"Of course, Little :ove," Finn replied with a smile as he took the box from her. He pulled her onto his lap and tore the paper off of the box and opened the lid. "It's perfect, Em! I absolutely love it. Could you do me a favor and bring me my keys?"

Emma nodded and ran across the room to retrieve his keys while Finn looked at his gift and smiled. It was a stainless steel dog tag-style keychain that was engraved with two simple words - "Emma's Finny". He chuckled as he read the words.

"She picked it out herself," Rory said softly.

"Well, she did an excellent job. I'll use my new keychain with pride." Finn took his keys from Emma and switched out his keychains. "What do you think? Does it look good?" he asked, holding his keys up for Emma to see.

"It looks perfect, Daddy! Now open Mommy's gift!" Emma exclaimed.

Rory handed him the gift wrapped box. "It's not anything huge - just something that I thought you would like," she said sheepishly.

"I'm certain I'll love whatever it is, and you already gave me the absolute best gift this morning," Finn said with a smile. He removed the wrapping paper again and opened the box, and he instantly smiled. "It's perfect, Love." He took out the beautiful silver frame and turned it over in his hands. It was engraved with the words "For Her - For Him - For Us" and Rory had put the picture that they'd taken in front of the Christmas tree in New York in the frame. He put the frame down on the table next to him and pulled Rory into his lap, nuzzling her neck.

"It made me think of us," Rory said softly.

"And that's why I love it. Now, I do believe it's time to get our girl into bed, no?"

"You're right," Rory replied. She turned toward Emma. "Em, go get your PJs on and brush your teeth and I'll be right there to read you a story and tuck you in."

"Can Daddy come tuck me in, too?" Emma asked, turning her doe eyes on Finn.

"Of course I will, sweet girl. Go get ready and we'll be right in."

Emma happily skipped off down the hall toward her room and Rory laid her head on Finn's shoulder. "It's been such a great day," she whispered.

"Best Christmas ever, and our first as a family," Finn said proudly. "Em seems really happy."

"We're both very happy," Rory said softly, reaching up to kiss Finn. He returned her kiss and sighed in contentedness.

"You have another week of Christmas break before you go back to school. What would you think about getting our houses on the market and starting the house hunt?" Finn asked Rory.

"Yeah, that would be perfect," Rory agreed.

"Is this house in your name, or does Logan technically own it?"

"It's in my name. He didn't want us to be able to be traced back to him in any way," Rory replied.

"Well, that makes things easier on us; we won't need his signature to sell it. I know that things must have been rough on you, and I can't imagine what it felt like to know that Logan wouldn't do whatever it took to be a part of your lives, but I'm so grateful that I get to be here now. What we have here - it's forever," Finn said softly, and Rory immediately melted further into his arms.

"It was hard, and sometimes I was so angry with him, but I wouldn't change anything because it all brought me right here, and you're our forever," she replied happily.

"I"m so glad, Love. Now, let's go get our girl into bed so we can retire for the night and celebrate our engagement," he said huskily. He stood up from his chair, picking Rory up with him, and walked down the hall toward Emma's room, Rory laughing all the way.

"You know that I can walk for myself," she said with a laugh.

"I'm just practicing for the wedding night," he teased as he sat her down on Emma's bed and joined her. "Now, have you picked out a story?" he asked Emma.

She nodded enthusiastically and handed him her copy of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and he laughed.

"You want me to read this? Christmas is just almost over," he questioned.

"Please, Daddy?" Emma begged.

"You're as dangerous as your mom, child. Alright, get all snuggled in," he relented as he opened the book.

Emma snuggled into the covers with Rory on one side of her and Finn on the other and slowly drifted off to sleep as Finn read the familiar story to her. He finished the book and both he and Rory kissed Emma on the forehead and snuck out of her room quietly. They walked into Rory's bedroom and she shut the door to give them some much-anticipated privacy.

"Well, I'd say that was a successful first day as a dad - and on Christmas day at that!" Rory teased as she wrapped her arms around Finn.

"Well, Emma makes it easy," Finn said with a smile. He leaned down and kissed Rory soundly, enjoying the feeling of her melting into his embrace. "Now, I seem to remember something about celebrating our engagement," he whispered, moving his kisses down her neck. Rory moaned softly - Finn always knew just what to do to make her come undone - and went to work unbuttoning his shirt.

"I've been waiting all day for this," she said softly. She slid his shirt off of his shoulders and then shed her own shirt and bra as well. She wrapped her arms around him more tightly, loving the feeling of his skin against hers. Finn picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her over to the bed. He laid her down gently and made quick work of the rest of their clothes.

"You're so beautiful, Ror," he whispered.

"Make love to me, Finn."

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