Chapter 31: Best Day Ever!

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Of all the things that Finn had planned for their trip to New York, today was his favorite. He had saved the best for last. Emma's favorite book and movie was Alice in Wonderland, and he had made reservations for lunch at Alice's Tea Cup. It was an Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant and store, and he could hardly wait to see Emma's reaction. He'd ordered an Alice costume for Emma and brought it with him to New York as a surprise. He wanted her to get the full experience.

"Hey, Em? I need you to change for lunch, and I have something special for you to wear," he said as he walked into the living room where she was watching TV. She looked up at him questioningly.

"What is it?" Emma asked inquisitively.

Finn handed her the box he'd wrapped the outfit in and watched as her eyes lit up - she loved surprises. She threw her arms around him for a hug and then ripped the paper off the box and squealed when she saw what was inside. She immediately started jumping up and down and hugging the dress as she spun around the room.

"It''s...oh my gosh!" Emma squealed. "I get an Alice dress?"

"You do, Little Love. Can you go get dressed in it for me? Mommy can help you," Finn said.

"This is the best day ever!" she exclaimed happily.

Emma hugged Finn again and then ran off toward her bedroom with Rory on her heels. Finn loved her excitement - it was quite contagious. She emerged from her bedroom a bit later wearing the blue and white Alice dress, white tights, black dress shoes, and a red ribbon in her hair. Rory had straightened her blonde hair, knowing Emma would want it that way, and between that and her big blue eyes, she looked just like the storybook character.

They left Emma to watch television for another few minutes while they dressed for dinner. Finn was nothing if not a character, and he'd never shied away from the opportunity to wear a costume. He'd bought along a suit and top hat along with his grandfather's pocket watch. He looked like a steampunk version of the Mad Hatter. Rory, for her part, was wearing a black, white and red dress that was a nod to the Queen of Hearts' dress.

They walked back into the living room and Emma immediately gasped and jumped up to meet them.

"We're all from my favorite movie!" Emma giggled. "Now this is the best day ever, Finny!" Emma said, emphasizing the "now" and "this" as she spoke.

"Well, you haven't seen anything yet, my dear. Shall we?" Finn asked.

He escorted his girls down to the waiting car and they took the short drive to Alice's Tea Cup. They were seated immediately and he watched as Emma's eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. She pointed out details from the book or movie to Rory and Finn as she was lost in the world of her favorite fictional characters. She was much like her mother in that regard.

"You know, this is pretty great," Rory whispered with a smile as they watched Emma.

"Well, I couldn't bring her to Manhattan and not come here. I knew she would love it," Finn said with a grin.

"She's not the only one who loves it. This place is amazing," Rory said as she looked around.

"Aw, should I have bought you an Alice dress too, Love?" Finn teased.

"Oh, hush you!" Rory admonished him as she laughed.

The waitress came and Finn ordered the Wee Tea with a grilled cheese sandwich for Emma and the Jabberwocky with an assortment of sandwiches for him and Rory. Emma kept going on and on about how much fun her tea party was and Rory and Finn asked their waitress to take pictures of the three of them together in their Alice-inspired outfits.

They gorged themselves on scones, sandwiches, cookies, mocha cake and chocolate mousse until they could eat no more. Finn and Rory's lunch had come with unlimited sandwiches, and Rory had particularly loved the black forest ham and gruyere, while Finn had preferred Alice's BLT.

Rory had even enjoyed the varieties of hot tea, having enjoyed the chocolate chai, Christmas tea, and peach tea the most. Finn made a point to pick up a couple of bags of each of them from the store on the way out so she could drink them at home as well.

Later that day, after a nap at the hotel for Emma, they went to Ellen's Stardust Diner for dinner. It was a diner with singing waiters and waitresses. Emma was dazzled by all of the aspiring actors and actresses who serenaded them with songs while they ate. It was so much fun to watch the world through her eyes.

Next, Finn whisked them off to Madison Square Garden. He'd managed to snag three great seats to see Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which he knew Emma would love. Morgan Holdings held season tickets for Madison Square Garden, and he'd finagled his way into these seats despite the late notice. Emma shared her mother's love for all things Christmas, so she was beside herself at seeing Rudolph. She sat in his lap for much of the show, despite having her own seat, and he couldn't have enjoyed it more. She laughed and sang along to the songs along with the rest of the kids in the audience, and they ended the night at Serendipity 3 for frozen hot chocolates before heading back to their hotel for one last night.

He chuckled to himself as he reflected on how much his life had changed, especially these last few months. Five years ago, his ultimate vacation would have likely involved a beach, a harem of women, and cases of scotch. Now, he was deliriously happy to spend a week in New York City with his girlfriend and her daughter. He wouldn't trade his life now for anything.

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