Chapter 20: For Her

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Rory awoke Tuesday morning to the smell of coffee and food.  She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up confused.  Walking into the living room, she could see that the dining room table was set for breakfast and there was a delicious breakfast spread and coffee on the table.  She walked over to the table and picked up the note that was placed on the table.

I thought my girls would enjoy a hot breakfast this morning.  I wish I could have stayed after sneaking in so I could set this up, but I have an early meeting.  Enjoy day two of your birthday week!  Bundle up today - the temps dropped quite a bit overnight.  It's cold outside!  I'll see you tonight.  -Finn

On Wednesday, a case of gourmet K-Cups were delivered to Rory at Chilton, along with a new travel mug that Rory had been drooling over.  On Thursday, Finn brought lunch to Rory at school and they enjoyed a picnic in the courtyard, and then Finn sent her for a massage after school while Emma went to work with him.  She'd never had a birthday week quite like this.

Rory walked into the teacher's lounge on Friday morning and found that a small crowd of some of the other teachers who she was friends with waiting to see what "the hot, sweet boyfriend", as the other teachers had dubbed him, had up his sleeve for that day.  Rory laughed as they all asked her questions about what she, Finn and Emma had done the previous evening and what they were doing that day.

"I don't know, guys.  You'll just have to wait and see," she chuckled.  "All I know is that he told me not to make any plans for tonight."

School released for the weekend, and Rory was surprised to see Lorelai walking into her classroom the minute the bell rang.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Is that any way to greet your beautiful Mommy who has come to pick up your daughter so that you can go on a date with your boyfriend?" Lorelai asked in mock outrage.

"I didn't make any plans for Emma to stay with you," Rory replied, still a bit confused.

"No, but Finn did, my dear.  Apparently you two are going out tonight to do something to celebrate your birthday, and Emma is going to stay with us until you guys come to the Hollow tomorrow for your birthday party."

"He did?" Rory asked, a smile slowly spreading across her face.

"He did, sweets.  He said to tell you that he will pick you up at 6:00 sharp, you should pack an overnight bag, and he wanted to make sure you knew that he would feed you," Lorelai chuckled.  "Smart man, knowing that he needs to feed the Gilmore girls often."

"He is," Rory replied as she laughed, and then her face fell.  "Oh my gosh!  Mom, what am I supposed to wear?  I don't even know where we're going!"

"Calm down, kiddo.  It's getting colder outside, hence the coat and gloves I'm wearing, so wear those new dark blue low rise jeans we bought the last time we went shopping with your light pink sweater and your brown boots.  It will be perfect."

"You're sure that's not too casual?"

"Rory, honey, Mommy knows where you're going.  It will be perfect.  Finn won't be able to wait to take it off of you," Lorelai joked.

"Mom!  We haven't gone there yet," Rory said sternly.

"Why not?  Have you seen how gorgeous your boyfriend is?"

"We've been taking it slow, Mom.  I really don't want to mess this up," Rory lamented.

"It's obvious he's crazy about you, Ror, and it sure looks like you're crazy about him.  Am I right?"

"Yeah," Rory replied, her smile slowly returning as she thought about how good Finn was to her and Emma.

"And he loves Em," Lorelai added, furthering her point.

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