Chapter 16: Control Your Girlfriend

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Finn was woken abruptly by the ringing of his cell phone.  He felt around for it in the dark, eyes not yet open, and held it to his ear.

"Morgan," he answered.

"Finn, what the hell?  Can't you control your girlfriend?" Logan ranted.  He sounded halfway drunk.

"I'm sorry, mate.  What?"

"Your girlfriend, Finn.  It's like the damn Twilight Zone.  Who would have thought that Rory and Odette would find common ground?  Who would think that my wife would leave with my ex-girlfriend?  At least only one of them threw their high heels at me," Logan lamented.

"Look, mate, I would say I'm sorry, but you brought this all on yourself.  You're the only who slept with Rory and got her pregnant, you're the one who couldn't leave well enough alone and let Emma and I enjoy our evening in peace, and you're the one who tipped your wife off.  Rory shouldn't have shown up on your doorstep tonight, and I tried to tell her that, but you really had it coming.  You can't have it both ways, Logan.  You can't want to be Emma's dad or want to be involved in her life now; you made your choice when you signed those papers and terminated your parental rights."

"How did I get here, Finn?" Logan asked wearily.

"You followed in your father's footsteps.  The question now is whether or not you're going to continue down that path or get your shit together," Finn said before hanging up.


Rory walked gingerly into her house, hoping not to wake Finn.  She didn't wake him, but that was only because he was already sitting on her couch watching her walk in.  She braced herself for the coming conversation, not knowing what to expect.

"Hey," she greeted Finn timidly.

"So, I just got off the phone with Logan," Finn sighed.

"I'm sorry, Finn.  I just...I've been holding in what I really think about what he's done for so long, and last night was the last straw.  I had to confront him."

"So I heard; he was really wound up and kept ranting about the Twilight Zone.  He wasn't really making much sense.  Care to elaborate?"

"I showed up on his doorstep and heard yelling from inside.  Then I yelled at him about his little stunt tonight, and somewhere along the way Odette and I found ourselves both on Team Yell-at-Logan.  She didn't want to stay there tonight, so I let her follow me to a hotel and made sure she got checked in.  She kept talking about how she should have known that Logan wouldn't be faithful; I guess I wasn't the only one."

"Wow, that's quite a plot twist, kitten," Finn replied quietly.

"Are you mad at me?" Rory asked hesitantly.

"I'm not thrilled that you waited until I fell asleep and snuck out, but I understand why you did it, Rory.  I want this to work between us, but we have to be honest with each other.  If you'd really insisted on going, I would have accepted that and supported you."

"I'm really, really sorry, Finn.  Really, I am," Rory said, tentatively reaching out to touch his hand.

"And I accept your apology, kitten.  Now, I need to get home and see if I can get a couple more hours of sleep before the day starts.  I'll come back over later and help you with the lawn work and we can hang out if you'd like."

"Or you could just stay.  You have clothes here since you usually come over straight after work, and it would be silly to drive home just to come right back."

"Are you sure, love?  I don't want to impose."

"You are never an imposition, Finn.  Come on, let's go get some sleep," Rory assured him as she took his hand and led her to her bedroom.  He'd never spent the night before, but Rory needed to feel close to him tonight, and they only planned on sleeping.

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