Chapter 10: You dig?

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Logan was sitting in his corner office at the HPG building in London considering the events of that last week in Connecticut. He couldn't help but be angry of the way his two best friends treated him over the Rory situation and thrown off by his run-in with Rory. He hasn't expected to see her at all, but especially not in Finn's Porsche. He ran his hand through his hair and signed heavily as he reflected on the situation. How had things gotten to this point? And had Rory started something with one of his best friends?

He quickly opened his internet browser and typed in "Rory Gilmore Hartford" to see what he could dig up about her life since New Hampshire. Scrolling through the links and clicking here and there, he learned that her daughter, Emma Leigh Gilmore, had has been born in Hartford on July 3, 2017. There were more links with exerpts and reviews of a book that she had apparently written, aptly named Gilmore Girls. It has been published by a small publishing house in Philly. And then there was an article about a benefit for childhood leukemia that made his heart stop beating for a minute. Surely it couldn't be, could it?

Quickly considering his options, Logan finally picked up his phone and dialed a familiar number, hoping that he would answer. After three rings, he did.

"Morgan," came the voice of one of his best friends.

"Finn, how are you, man?"

"I'm good, mate. How are the moving preparations going on your side of the pond?"

"They're going well. That's the beauty of having a wife - she handles all of that while I put in my time in the office. Listen, I know this might be awkward, but I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead, mate," Finn answered quickly.

"First, this isn't what I called to ask you, but are you and Rory seeing each other?"

"Logan, where is this coming from? You walked away from them. You can't have it both ways, man."

"I know that, Finn. I just happened upon some info today that made me wonder how close you two are."

Finn sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Yes, we are seeing each other, but its still very new."

"So you know quite a bit about Emma?" Logan hedged.

"I'm not discussing Emma with you, Logan. If you want info on her you'll have to talk to Rory, although I really don't think she will give you any."

"I just need to she okay? I read the article about her condition..." Logan trailed off.

"What are you talking about, mate?"

"You really don't know, Finn?" Logan asked in shock. "I just assumed that she would have told you, but maybe she doesn't trust you enough to," he finished, trying to get a dig in at the relationship. If he couldn't get his information from Finn maybe he could at least cast some doubts on the budding relationship between his friend and his ex.

"That's bullshit, Logan. Don't try to ruin this; I won't let you do it."

"Don't take my word for it, man. I just emailed you the article so you can read it yourself. It's not my fault your girlfriend didn't tell you."

"You're on thin ice, mate. I'm hanging up now; stay out of mine and Rory's relationship," Finn warned as he pressed the end button and cursed silently.

Right at that moment his email dinged with a notification of a new email from Logan. Finn reluctantly opened his email and clicked on the message. He followed the link and his jaw dropped as he read the article. This couldn't be right. Why wouldn't Rory have told him herself? Finn was numb as he shut down his computer and told his secretary that he was taking the afternoon off. He sent Colin a quick text asking him if he could meet him at a local bar and steered his car in that direction as soon as he got the confirmation from Colin.

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