Chapter 36: Awkward

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The morning after Christmas dawned and Finn smiled as he looked over at his beautiful sleeping fiancee.  She was curled into his side, and he couldn't have possibly been any happier with his life than he was at that very moment.  They'd stayed up late making love to each other and celebrating their newly-minted status as an engaged couple. He couldn't wait to marry Rory and adopt Emma in order to make it all official.

He heard a knock on the bedroom door and was immensely glad that he and Rory had made it a point to put on pajamas before going to sleep. He snuck out of bed quietly and walked over to the door.

"Hey there, Em. How's my girl this morning?" he asked.

"I'm hungry, Dad," she pouted. She had obviously learned much from her mom about getting what she wanted.

"What sounds good for breakfast?"

"Can we go out for pancakes? Mommy said we need to go grocery shopping," Emma replied.

"Sure thing, sweet girl. I'll get your mom up and out of bed and ready to go.  Can you get yourself dressed and ready?" he asked.

"Yep, I'll get ready!" she exclaimed as she ran off toward her room.

Finn chuckled at her enthusiasm - she obviously hadn't inherited Rory's disdain for mornings - and turned back toward the bedroom. He knelt by the bed and peppered tiny kisses all over Rory's face. "It's time to wake up, Love. Our girl is hungry and wants to go out for breakfast," he said gently.

She stirred and whined as she opened her eyes. "But...I'm not ready to get up. Someone kept me up way too late," she teased.

"I didn't hear you complaining last night," Finn chuckled.

", last night was perfect," she agreed. "Alright, I'm getting up."

They all got ready and soon were leaving the house. "Where do my girls want to go?" Finn asked proudly as he put his arms around Rory and Emma.

"Can we go to Effie's?" Emma begged. It was one of her favorite brunch places, but they didn't go there often.

"Let's go," Finn agreed. He helped them into the car and they took the short drive to the restaurant. It appeared that much of Hartford had the same idea that morning; there were families hovering around everywhere as they waited for their table at the popular eatery.

Finn put their name on the list and smiled as he walked back to Rory and Emma - soon they would be the Morgan family and would all three share the same last name.

Emma was getting jostled about by the people milling around, and soon she reached up to Finn. "Will you hold me, Daddy? People keep bumping into me."

"Anything for you, Love," he replied with a smile. He picked Emma up and Rory snuggled into his side and laid her head on his chest. She closed her eyes and sighed contentedly, but unfortunately that feeling was short-lived. Someone bumped into Finn, causing him to almost lose his balance, and as soon as he righted himself his blood ran cold.

"Excuse me, I didn't mean to - Finn!  How are you, man?" Logan asked, patting Finn on the back.  Finn and Rory turned to see Logan and Odette standing there, also waiting for a table.

"I'm good, Mate.  Just waiting for a table with my girls," Finn answered with a plastered-on smile.  He unconsciously tightened his grip on Emma and slipped his free arm around Rory.

"Logan, Odette.  It's nice to see you both," Rory greeted them.  She hugged Odette and kissed her on the cheek.

"Mommy?  Daddy?  Who's the man with Odette?" Emma asked curiously.

Logan coughed and his face instantly turned red.  "I'm sorry - did she just call you Daddy?" he almost growled.

Emma, ever the chatty little girl, answered proudly.  "I did!  Finny is going to marry my mommy, and he's going to adopt me and be my Daddy.  It's the bestest Christmas present ever!" she exclaimed happily.

Finn could see Logan's anger building, and he desperately wanted to shield Rory and Emma from the coming storm.

"How about you and I step outside and talk privately?" Finn asked, handing Emma off to Rory.  "I'll be right back, Love," he promised as he walked away with Logan.  As soon as they were outside, Logan spun around and looked at him angrily.

"Would you like to tell me why the hell my daughter is calling you Daddy?" Logan barked angrily.

"According to the legal paperwork, she's not your daughter," Finn reminded him, doing his best to stay calm. 

"Don't give me that bullshit answer, man!  You and I both know that she's mine."

"That's the thing, Logan - you decided that you didn't want to be part of her life and you closed that door.  Rory has finally moved on, and they're both happy now.  Emma told Rory that she wanted me to adopt her and asked if she could call me Daddy; that wasn't my doing, but I'm sure as hell thrilled to fill that role in her life," Finn answered passionately.

"You can't adopt her, Finn.  The court won't allow that unless you and Rory are married," Logan replied smugly, thinking he'd found a roadblock.

"You heard Emma - Rory and I are getting married.  I'll file for adoption as soon as we've wed," Finn informed him.

"You really think she'll say yes if you propose?" Logan asked looking defeated.

"Mate, I really don't want to rub salt in the wound, but I don't have to wonder," Finn answered cryptically. 

At just that moment, Rory walked outside and toward Finn.  She was holding Emma's hand with her right hand, and she reached her other arm out toward Finn.  "Hey, our table's ready," she said with a smile as she reached out for his hand.  Logan's eyes instantly zeroed in on the beautiful diamond engagement ring that she was wearing, and he realized that Finn was right - she had moved on.  His long-time friend was going to have the life that he'd always wanted.

Finn took her hand and walked into the restaurant with Rory and Emma, quickly trying to put the conversation with Logan behind him so he could be fully present in the moment with his girls.  He looked back just long enough to see Logan storming off with Odette trailing behind him, and he silently hoped that maybe Logan would finally get his life together.

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