Chapter 44: What's important

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"Here, you take her," Rory encouraged as she put Emma's hand into Logan's.

"Are you sure?" he asked in shock.

"Yeah, we're sure," she reassured him.

Logan looked down to Emma and smiled.  "Let's all take her," he insisted as he reached over to take Odette's hand in his free hand. 

Rory smiled and took Emma's other hand, holding Finn's tightly in her other.  They all five walked to the bell and Logan picked Emma up so that she could reach.

"We beat leukemia!" she exclaimed, reaching up to ring the bell excitedly.  Her family all cheered around her - Emily, Luke and Lorelai, Finnigan and Amelia, Colin and Steph - they'd all come to celebrate with the Morgan family.

"Thank you all for being here for us over these last several months.  They've been trying, between Emma's leukemia and Rory's pregnancy, and we're grateful for the support you all have given us," Finn said emotionally.  "We love you all."

They were all flooded with hugs and congratulations from their friends and family, and soon the group broke up to move the party to Finn and Rory's home.  They had planned a backyard barbecue to celebrate together.  He looked around the yard, filled with kids playing and laughing, and smiled as he wrapped his arms around his wife.  He rubbed her belly lovingly, anxious to meet their son.  Rory was nearing the end of her pregnancy, and he'd never thought she looked more beautiful than she did now. 

They all gathered around the patio when dinner was ready and Finn held his glass up, silencing everyone around him.  "To friends, to family, to realizing what's important, to love, and to a lifelong friend who stepped in to give my sweet Em the best possible chance of beating cancer" he offered.  Everyone started tip tip their glasses up and Logan cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"If I may add, I'd also like to toast to my beautiful wife - this whole experience brought us back together.  Odette, I love you," he admitted, the first time that he'd said he loved her publicly, "and I can't wait to welcome the next generation of Huntzbergers with you."  Logan smiled and wrapped his arm around his wife, kissing her on the temple as he looked at the stunned faces around him.

"You mean you're..." Finn trailed off.

"We're pregnant!" Odette yelled.  Rory immediately set her glass down and ran over to hug her friend.  She'd had a front row seat to watching Odette and Logan reconcile, work through their issues, and fall in love, and she couldn't be happier for them.

***                ***                ***                ***

"He's beautiful," Finn whispered, sobbing openly as he watched Rory hold their newborn son on her chest.  He was in awe of his amazing wife and their new little one.  "I can't believe we made him."

"We did," Rory said with a smile, stroking the baby's cheek.  "How do you feel, Daddy?"

"I feel like I've been a daddy since the minute I met our precious daughter, but I'm so grateful to be here from the first moment for our son.  Are you ready for me to bring Em in?"

They'd given birth at a family birthing center, wanting this momentous event to center around their family and for Emma to feel as included as possible.  Finn and Rory had worked hard to assure her all throughout the pregnancy that they had enough love for her and another baby as well. 

"Yeah, I want our family together," she insisted.

Finn left and returned a minute later with Emma.  She was fascinated by her little brother and fell in love with him instantly.  After some time for the family to bond, they invited their friends and family in for a moment to meet the newest little Morgan.  They all gathered around the room and looked on at the happy family of four.

Finn took the baby from Rory's arms and walked closer.  "Everyone, we'd like to introduce you to the newest member of the Mogan family - Eli Lucas, after two of the most important men in our lives."

He looked to Logan and Luke and smiled as he saw their teary eyes.  He walked over and handed their namesake off to their waiting arms, snapping a picture of the two watery-eyed men cooing at his son.

***                ***                ***                ***

Finn heard the familiar strains of his and Emma's song fill the air and walked toward her.

"May I have this dance, Em?" Finn asked with a smile at his daughter.  It seemed like only yesterday that they'd danced together at that first father-daughter dance, her standing on his feet or in his arms. 

"Of course, Daddy," she laughed.  She walked into his arms and smiled up at him as Bruce Springsteen sang When You Need Me.

"You know, you're a lot better dancer than the first time we danced to this," he teased her. 

"Yeah well, it's been a few years," she joked.

"I'm really proud of you, Little Love.  You've accomplished so much - medical school, residency, now you're a doctor.  And through it all, you and Nathan have stayed committed to each other.  I never thought I'd give my daughter away to my godson," he said with a laugh.

"I love him, Daddy."

"I know you do or I wouldn't have walked you down the aisle or be enjoying the traditional father-daughter dance now," he chuckled.  "About that thing we discussed..." he said, looking at her questioningly.

She nodded her head at him and he smiled brightly.  He danced her around the floor until they came to a stop in front of Logan and Odette.

"Em and I talked about it, and we would both be honored if you would finish the second half of the father-daughter dance with her," Finn said. 

Logan choked back tears and smiled.  "Thank you," he whispered.  He took Emma in his arms and danced with her.  They'd told her when she was old enough to understand that Logan was her biological father, but that Finn would always be her dad.  She'd accepted it well after a few days to really wrap her head around this stunning truth, and Logan had continued to be a constant in her life.  The Morgans, McRaes, and Huntzbergers had all remained very close, going on frequent family vacations together and raising their kids as the best of friends.  Still, they had all been surprised when Emma and Nathan had begun dating in college.

Logan brought himself out of his thoughts, looking down at the beautiful woman in his arms.  "Thank you for letting me have this.  I really didn't expect it," he said softly.

"Of course.  Thank you for everything you've been for me.  Some would think it's weird, having their biological father and their adoptive father both in their lives, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I'm just grateful that you and Mom and Dad were able to work things out and that I've gotten to know your family as well."

"I'm proud of you, Em.  Your Aunt Odette and I love you."

"I love you, too, Dad."

That broke the dam and Logan cried as he danced with his first daughter.  "You've never called me that," he whispered.

"No, and Finn will always be my daddy, but you're important to me, too."

"I'm so glad, kid."


That's it - that's all she wrote.  I hope you enjoyed this journey.  Now I'll focus on finishing Match Made in a Boardroom and then who knows where my writing will take me.  Thank you so much for reading, reviewing, and commenting!

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