Chapter 8: The Morning After

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Rory was still smiling when she woke up the next morning.  She had floated into her house after walking in the door and drifted off to sleep happy.  Her first date in what seemed like a lifetime had been absolutely perfect.  She couldn't wipe the grin off her face as she got out of bed, made coffee and got ready for Finn to pick her up for what promised to be a rather full day together.  She was anxious to see him and then for them to get to Stars Hollow so she could see Emma.  It wasn't often that she was away from Em overnight, and she missed her.

Rory answered the door, ready to go, as soon as Finn rang the doorbell.  He looked handsome in dark wash jeans and a dark blue v-neck shirt that looked incredibly nice on him.  Rory laughed as she looked down at her outfit - dark wash capris, silver sandals, and a navy blue v-neck t-shirt.

"Is it a bad sign that we've been on one date and are already dressed alike?" Finn teased as he stepped forward and kissed her gently.

"Nah, must just be that we both know it will bring out our blue eyes," Rory shot back with a smirk.

"That it does, kitten.  I must say, you look gorgeous as always.  I have coffee in the Navigator, and we'll also get some at breakfast.  Are you ready?"

"Yep, let's head out," Rory replied with a blush as she grabbed her purse and followed Finn to the car.  They ate breakfast at a nearby cafe, and much to Rory's relief the conversation was still easy.  There was no awkwardness after their first date; she felt just as at ease this morning as she had last night.  Finn helped her back in the car after breakfast and they drove to a nearby shopping center for what appeared to be their second stop of the day.

"What are we shopping for?" Rory asked as she took in the shopping center around her. 

"Ah, you'll see soon enough, Miss Gilmore," Finn tutted as he took her hand and led her into a baby superstore.

"Finn, is there something you want to tell me?" Rory teased as they walked in together.  She couldn't for the life of her fathom why they were in a baby store. 

"You could say that, love," he answered cryptically.  He continued through the store stopping in front of the car seats.  "I've made it clear that I'm going to be in Em's life permanently, and part of that means taking her places, so you, my dear, are going to tell me which of these lovely seats will keep Little Love safe while in my vehicle."

"You know you don't have to do this, right?" Rory asked after the momentary surprise of Finn thinking of such a sweet way to show Rory that he was serious about being part of Emma's life.

"I'm doing this because I want to, Ror.  It just makes sense for me to be able to take her places without stealing your car, although you're still more than welcome to my vehicles," Finn chuckled.

"You caught me - I'm just with you for the Porsche."

"And here I thought we had something special," Finn retorted as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to his chest for a moment.

"You are too sweet," Rory replied as she kissed him chastely.  "And any of these will work just fine," she finished as she pointed to the 3-in-1 seats that went from car seat to booster seat.

"That hardly tells me which one to buy," Finn stated in mock exasperation.  "Are you going to make me call one of my sisters to get the low-down on which is safest?"

"Fine," Rory consented with an eye roll.  "I want to go on record, though, as saying once again that any of them will work, but the safest are the Britax brand seats."

"Was that really so difficult, love?" Finn chastised her.  "Now, do you know how to install this seat in my vehicle or should I pay someone to do it?"

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