Chapter 18: Odette, Meet Emma

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A/N: I want to point out that this story is my own original intellectual property. It has been brought to my attention that someone else has posted the first 7 chapters as their own. I did not give my permission to this other author who has plagiarized my work.


After a couple of hours of yard work that devolved into a water gun fight where Finn and Emma teamed up against Rory, Rory jumped in the shower to freshen up before Odette arrived for lunch.  She knew that most people would say that she was crazy for inviting Odette over, but she couldn't bring herself to let Odette deal with Logan's infidelity on her own.  Finn had marinated steaks while Rory showered, and then Rory prepped some squash, asparagus and potatoes to grill while Finn showered.  Rory took a few deep breaths to calm herself when the doorbell rang and then greeted Odette.

"Odette, I'm so glad you found the house okay.  Come in," Rory told her.

"Thank you for having me, Rory.  I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Odette replied sincerely.

"No, not at all.  Finn just started the grill and Emma is playing in the backyard.  Before we go out there, I just wanted to mention that I really don't want Emma to know that Logan is her father.  I had a father who was rarely present in my life, and I don't want that for her.  Since he terminated his rights, he made that decision for me."

"I understand, Rory, and I won't mention anything," Odette assured her kindly.

"Thank you so much.  Are you okay with meeting her?" Rory asked.

"Of course.  She seems like a lovely girl."

"Okay then, let's grab a bottle of wine and some glasses from the kitchen and head out to the back patio with Finn and Emma."

"Does Finn live here?" Odette asked.

"No, he doesn't.  He and I have been seeing each other for about a month, and he's over a lot, but we don't live together."

The two ladies walked to the kitchen to retrieve the wine and glasses and walked out to the backyard where Emma was playing while Finn was putting the steaks and veggies on the grill.

"Odette, it's lovely to see you," Finn greeted cordially.

"You as well, Finn.  I want to apologize for Logan's behavior at dinner last night."

"No apology necessary from you, Odette.  You didn't do anything wrong," Finn reassured her.

Just as Finn spoke, Emma came running over to the group of adults.

"Didn't I see you at the restaurant last night?" Emma asked Odette curiously.  "You were with the guy who was asking me questions."

"Yes, you did.  My name is Odette."

"Finny, if she's a stranger, why is she at our house?" she asked, thinking back to Finn's warning not to talk to strangers the previous night.

"Well, she's a stranger to you, but I know her, Em," Finn chuckled.

"Then why did you tell me I shouldn't talk to strangers when I talked to her last night?"  Finn just shrugged and looked to Rory.

"Em, Finn just meant that you should wait until one of us introduces you to someone before you start talking to them," Rory finally offered, ending the conversation.

"Okay, Mommy," Emma agreed before running back out into the yard to play.

"How are you holding up?" Rory asked Odette after Emma was out of earshot again.

"I'm doing okay.  I'm angry, but I'm not heartbroken.  We didn't marry because we loved each other, which is fortunate.  I can't imagine how I would feel if I was in love with him."

"I want you to know that I'm incredibly sorry about what happened between Logan and I in New Hampshire, Odette.  I really did break it off when I found out that you had moved in, and I had no intention of ever seeing him again.  That doesn't excuse what we did that weekend, and I take responsibility for my part."

"I'm not upset with you, Rory.  We were both seeing other people before I moved in, so you weren't in the wrong then.  I know how persuasive he can be when he wants something.  There are no hard feelings," Odette reassured her.

"Thank you, really.  Has your dad been able to find a place for you yet?"

"Yes, he made some phone calls and found an apartment a couple of miles from here, actually, and my belongings will be delivered and unpacked tomorrow.  Daddy thinks that it's best that I stay here until the divorce proceedings are over."

"Well, you're always welcome here," Rory reassured her.  At that moment, Odette's phone rang.  She glanced at it and hit the ignore button quickly.

"Logan's been calling all day, and from the sound of his messages he's drunk and quite angry.  Finn, if you happen to talk to him please don't tell him where I'm staying.  I also won't be mentioning to him that I'm in contact with you or Rory; the last thing you three need is Logan showing up here to look for me."

"Thank you, Odette.  That's very considerate of you."

As they finished their conversation, Finn removed their lunch from the grill and conversation lightened as they all ate their lunch.  Emma happily told Odette all about Finn taking her to the father-daughter dance, and Rory couldn't help but notice Finn blushing as Emma raved about how sweet Finn was and how much fun she had with him. 

As they were talking, Finn's phone was the next to ding with a text notification.  He took one glance at the message and make a quick decision.

"Hey Ror, is it okay if I put Odette's car in the garage?  Logan is texting asking if you and I are here, and I wouldn't put it past him to drive by since he has your address."

"Of course," Rory reassured him.  Finn took Odette's keys, kissed Rory quickly, and walked through the house to move Odette's car.

"How did you two start dating?" Odette asked curiously.

"Finn and his niece Ava ran into Em and I at the zoo about a month ago.  Finn didn't know about Emma, and he was a little upset that the rest of the Yale gang hadn't been able to be there for me through my pregnancy and Emma's life.  He started spending time with Em and me, and then he watched Em for me for a couple of days when she was sick, and it just kind of naturally developed from there."

"He seems to really care for you both," Odette said, almost enviously.

"He really does.  Sometimes I have to pinch myself.  I'm just trying not to pull a Rory and get scared and run," Rory chuckled.

"Hopefully someday I'll find that," Odette said wistfully.

"I'm sure you will," Rory soothed her.

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