Chapter 30: Sweet Times

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"Whoa!" Emma exclaimed excitedly as she looked around.  Her eyes were the size of saucers and her smile lit up her entire face.  Finn laughed and took her hand to led her further into the bustling store.  He'd taken Rory and Emma to Rockefeller Center earlier in the day to go ice skating and see the big tree, and now they were at Dylan's Candy Bar.  He bent down and picked Emma up to keep her safe in the crowd.

"Are you hungry, Little Love?"

"For candy?" Emma squealed.

"For food first, then for candy," Finn chuckled.  He took Rory's hand and led the girls into the cafe.  He'd pulled some strings as soon as he'd found out they were coming to New York and reserved one of their famous cupcake booths, certain that Em would love it.  Emma's jaw dropped as she looked all around them at the sundaes and other sweet treats that everyone was enjoying.

"What sounds good to eat, Em?  They have macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, pizzas, nachos, chicken tenders, cheese quesadillas?" Finn asked as he looked over the menu.

"Hmm...I think mac and cheese, please," Emma replied politely. 

"Do you know what you want, Ror?" he asked as he looked across the table at his girlfriend.  She looked almost as excited as Emma, and he thought it was adorable.

"Hmm..." she began as she wrinkled her nose and studied the menu.  "I think I'll get the steak and cheese."

"I'm going to get a burger.  Want to share some onion rings?" he asked.

"Sure!  I can't believe you got us reservations here the week before Christmas, Finn.  This is amazing," Rory said gratefully.

Their waitress came to the table and they ordered their food.  Emma chattered on about the dessert menu and how much fun she was having while they waited.  Then she started her list of all of the different candies she wanted to buy and Rory just laughed.  Finn had sat Rory down when they started planning the trip and made her promise that she would relax and enjoy the trip without concern for money.  He had been adamant that he wanted to treat his girls and she had finally reluctantly agreed to let him foot the bill for the trip. 

Their food was brought to their table and they continued to discuss what they were going to do on the rest of their trip while they ate.  Finn had tried to take Emma's energy levels and desires into account when he planned the trip.  They were doing all family-fun activities and he'd planned breaks throughout the day so Emma could relax at the hotel in order to ensure she didn't get too tired.  They all dug into their food and Emma began bouncing in her seat and begging for dessert the moment she was finished.  Finn leaned over and whispered to her conspiratorially.  Her eyes got huge and she nodded happily.  Rory couldn't help but laugh at the two of them plotting dessert.

Finn ordered dessert quietly, determined to keep it a surprise from Rory, and her jaw dropped when it was brought to the table.  He had gotten the I Bet You Can't Sundae.  It had ten scoops of ice cream, ten toppings, hot fudge, caramel, whipped cream, cherries and sprinkles. 

"I feel like this should be a Gilmore rite of passage," she said with a laugh.  "This thing is unreal."

"You two lean in close so I can get a picture of you with the sundae," Finn instructed them.  This was their first family vacation, and he wanted to document the entire trip.  He snapped a few pictures and then they dug into the sundae.  They gave it a valiant effort, but they were no match for the tower of sweets.  They finally threw in their spoons and sat back in the booth.

"I can't believe we ate so much," Rory groaned.

"I can totally believe it," Finn chuckled.

He settled the bill and they excited the cafe and walked around the store, collecting candies on the way.  They gathered Red Vines, jelly beans, gummy bears, and every other candy that a Gilmore girl could want before heading back to their hotel for a rest.  They walked back into their suite and Finn laid Emma down in her bed - she had fallen asleep on the way back to the hotel.  He covered her up and made a quick stop in their bedroom before he joined Rory back in the living room.

"You having a good time, Love?" he asked as he sat down and pulled her into his lap.

"I'm having the best time, Finn," Rory replied as she laid her head down on his chest.

"Can I give you your Christmas gift now?"

Rory looked up at him.  "But it's not Christmas yet; that's next week," she protested weakly.

"No, it's not, but we're going to be visiting both of our families on Christmas and won't have any time just the two of us.  It's something I would prefer to give you privately."

"Okay, sure," Rory agreed.

Finn reached into his pocket and wrapped his hand around the ring in his pocket and took a deep breath.  "You know that I love you and Emma so much.  You two have become my family, and someday I hope to make that official.  Before you say anything, I know that we're not ready for that step yet, so you can relax.  I don't intend in proposing a second time until I'm sure of your answer," he teased. 

Rory leaned up and kissed him tenderly and then he continued.

"As I was saying, you and Em are everything to me.  Someday, when you're ready, I want to marry you, Rory.  I hope you'll wear this ring as a symbol of that promise," he whispered sweetly.  He opened his hand and held out the ring he'd picked out.  It was a beautiful platinum ring with a split band encrusted with diamonds, and the center stone was a sapphire.  Rory gasped when she saw it.

"It's beautiful, Finn," she breathed reverently.

"I'd like the pleasure of putting it on your finger, but read the inscription first," he prodded. 

She held the ring up and read the three words he'd had engraved inside the band - "When you're ready" - and smiled.  She placed the ring back in his hand and then held her left out out to him with tears in her eyes.

"Does that mean you'll accept my promise, Love?" Finn asked, hope and love written all over his face.

"Of course I will," she whispered.

Finn slid the ring on her ring finger and smiled as he watched her admire the ring on her hand.

"I love you, Ror."

"I love you, too, Finn," Rory said before meeting his lips for a passionate kiss.

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