Chapter 9: Reunited and It Feels So Good

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After having lunch with Lorelai and giving Finn the nickel tour of the town, Finn, Rory and Emma loaded back up in his Navigator to drive back to Hartford, or more specifically, to Colin and Steph's house. Finn couldn't help but notice that Rory was fidgety and quiet during the drive.

"Are you alright, love?" he asked as he took her hand and traced light circles on her palm soothingly.

"I'm good. I'm fine. I'm just...are you sure they aren't mad at me for not keeping in touch or anything? I don't want it to be awkward."

"I'm sure, Ror. I've talked to them both quite a bit in the last week. No one is even a bit upset with you. We all know that you did what you had to do at the time. They are so excited to see you again and meet Em, I promise," Finn finished as they drove into the outskirts of Hartford. He felt Rory visibly relax as he reassured her.

"You're right, I just need to relax and enjoy seeing them. I really did miss you all."

"I know you did, kitten. The important thing is that we're all back in each others' lives now."

"My, this older, more mature Finn certainly is wise. You might have graduated magna cum laude if you'd been like this at Yale," Rory teased him.

"That was a low blow, Miss Gilmore. You're just lucky I'm driving right now or I would extract my revenge by tickling you."

"Hmm...I'm not scared," Rory retorted as she poked him lightly in the side. Finn pulled into the driveway of a beautiful Hartford house as she was teasing him. It was certainly a large home, but it wasn't cold or palatial or imposing like many of society families' homes were.

"You should be scared," he replied as he wiggled his eyebrows at her and put the car in park.

"Nah, I've seen you with my kid; you're a big 'ole softy," she cooed.

"Keep it up, Ror," he tutted back.

They all got out of the car, Finn carrying Em, and proceeded to the door where Steph was already waiting to meet them. As soon as she saw Rory she tore off of the front stoop and embraced Rory in a bear hug.

"Oh my gosh, girly, we have all missed you so much!" Steph cried as she hugged Rory.

"I've missed you guys too, Steph, really. It's really good to see you again."

"Now, let me see this sweet daughter of yours," Steph continued as they broke their embrace, her voice softening as she looked toward Emma. Finn set Emma down and steered her gently toward the two women.

"Em, this is one of my old friends, Steph. Steph, this is Emma," Rory introduced. Steph knelt down in front of Emma, taking in the beautiful little girl in front of her.

"It's nice to meet you, Emma," Steph told her.

"It's nice to meet you too, Miss Steph," Emma answered shyly.

"Finn, Colin and Nathan are in the backyard playing. Maybe you'd like to take Emma outside to meet them?" Steph suggested. "I'd like to talk to Rory for a minute."

"Be nice," Finn instructed Steph as he took Emma's hand and led her into the house.

"I promise. Just girl talk," Steph assured him. The two girls moved into the house, making their way to the kitchen, as Finn and Emma walked to the backyard.

"I'm so sorry that we weren't there for you the last five years, Rory. Before you say anything, we completely understand why you didn't tell any of us, and we don't blame you for that decision. I just hate knowing that we haven't been there to support you when you needed it. None of us are happy with how Logan handled this. We just...we want you to know that we're here for you."

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