Chapter 32: Merry Christmas

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"Merry Christmas!" Emma squealed as she flew into her mom's bedroom on Christmas morning. They'd decided to spend the night at their house and then drive to Stars Hollow to spend time with the Danes side of the family.

"Merry Christmas, Little Love," Finn chuckled as Emma curled up next to him. "Did Santa come visit?"

"He did, Finny! You and Mommy have to get up so we can see what he brought!"

"You go brush your teeth and I'll wake your mom. We'll be in there in a few minutes," Finn said.

Emma kissed him on the cheek and hopped back out of bed. "I love you, Finny!" she called after her as she ran out of the room.

Finn chuckled at the adorable girl. He'd was completely smitten with her and her mother both. He began rubbing Rory's back and kissing her neck - something that he had learned she loved, especially first thing in the morning.

"Mmm...morning, baby," she whispered sleepily.

"Morning, Love. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas. It's our first together," Rory replied softly.

"It is. Em is waiting for us. I'll go start the coffee while you get up," replied Finn.

"No way, mister. Not without a kiss first," she teased.

"Well, far be it from me to neglect my girlfriend," Finn chuckled. He leaned over and kissed her, smiling as he felt her melt in his arms. "Now, my love, it's time for us to get to our girl - she won't be able to contain her excitement much longer." Finn instantly realized what he had said and held his breath as he waited for her reaction, hoping he hadn't upset her. They laid there in silence, and finally he spoke. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that I love her like she's my own," he explained.

"No, don't apologize. You didn't upset me at all - it was just...I didn't expect it, and it's so sweet. We wouldn't be where we are in our relationship if I wasn't happy that you think of her as your own daughter, but to hear you say was just a bit overwhelming," Rory said softly.

"Good overwhelming?"

"Definitely good overwhelming. I think I need another kiss now," she said as she scooted closer to him. She crashed her lips to his, trying desperately to put everything she was feeling into the kiss. They pulled away a few minutes later and Rory laid her head on his chest. "I love you so much, Finn, and Emma - well, she adores you. You're the closest thing to a dad she's ever had," she whispered.

"I'm just so grateful to be able to be part of her life. I never really pictured myself as the man who would be be counting the minutes until he could go home to his girlfriend and her daughter at the end of the day, but I wouldn't change it for the world. You and Emma make my life so full of love and joy, baby. I love our life together."

"You know, I already got you a Christmas gift, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy. What in the world do you get for the man who has everything?" Rory laughed.

"Anything you get me will be perfect because I know you love me," Finn said with a laugh.

"Well, I do think you'll like what I picked out for you, but right now, in this moment, it occurs to me that there's something else I'd really like to give you, too," she whispered. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. Finn had made it quite clear that he was completely committed to their relationship and wanted forever with her and Emma, but it was still a bit nerve wracking to put herself out there.

"Oh? What's that, Kitten?" he asked with a smile.

"You know how you talked about coming home to Emma and me at the end of the day? Well, what if it was your home, too?" she asked tentatively.

Finn's eyes snapped up and his smile grew. "You want us to live together? Like an actual family?" he asked in surprise.

"Yeah, I really do. We spend almost every evening together anyway, and you're always having to go back and forth to get things. Emma and I love having you here. It would be amazing for us all to live together. We could live here, or Em and I could move in with you, or we could both sell our houses and we could find someplace together," Rory offered.

"And you would be okay with that? With us finding a new place that was ours?"

"Yeah, I would. I actually think it would be nice - a fresh start for all of us, and a place that isn't connected to Logan in any way. Is that a yes?" she asked hopefully.

"Do you think Em would be okay with it? It's a big change for her," Finn asked.

"I know she would be okay with it. She actually asked me right after we came back from New York if you could be her dad," Rory whispered.

" That's amazing. I don't even know what to say to that - I'm the one who's overwhelmed now," he said with a small laugh. "What did you tell her?"

"I kind of changed the subject. I know that you and I know where we're headed, but I didn't really know how to explain it to her, and I wanted to talk to you about it before I told her anything."

"What did you want to tell her, Love?" Finn asked.

"That you love her so much, and that you would do anything for her. That you and I love each other very much, and we want to be a family some day down the road."

"What if...what if I wanted to be her dad?" Finn whispered.

"As in, you want to be the male figure in her life, or you want to adopt her?" Rory asked, surprise evident in her eyes.

"Both, really," he answered honestly.

" really want to be her dad? That's huge, Finn," she replied quietly.

"I want to be in both of your lives forever, as her dad, and eventually as your husband."

Tears began running down Rory's cheeks and she smiled. "Finn..." she whispered, trying desperately to put what she was feeling into words. "I never thought I would find that man - the one who makes me feel complete and makes my life better just by being there and who I want to be with forever, even when times get hard. But I did, and it's you. What you just talked about? I want that."

"You want which part of that?" he asked, not wanting to get his hopes up.

"All of it, Finn. I want you to be Emma's dad, and I want..." she hesitated. She made a quick decision and felt peace as she knew what she wanted to do. "Come here," she said, pulling him out of bed. He stood up and she smiled up at him. She kissed him tenderly and then got down on one knee in front of him. "Finn Morgan, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You said you would be ready when I was, and I'm ready now. Will you marry me?" she asked, laughing through her tears. The situation was so completely not what she'd ever imagined, but in that moment, it seemed perfect.

Finn slid down to his knees in front of Rory and laughed with her. "Of course I will, Ror. You know, I had planned on proposing to you and Emma some day, when the time was right. It was going to be this perfect moment, but this..this is perfect," he whispered before kissing her.

"Absolutely perfect," she agreed.

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