Chapter 7: This Magic Moment

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A/N: For those of you who are Logan fans, I want you to know that by the end of this story he will find redemption.  No, he won't end up with Rory, but I won't leave you hating him either.  He'll redeem himself eventually, but there's sure to be drama in the meantime.

Finn had gone home to change for his date with Rory and couldn't help but be a bit nervous.  Sure, he'd spent a ton of time with Rory and Emma over the last week, but never with just Rory.  He had certainly had more than his fair share of dates, although he had admittedly slowed down significantly over the last few years, but never had he wanted so desperately for a date to go well, and for once it had nothing to do with wanting something to happen at the end of the date.  Well, that's not exactly true.  He wanted desperately to kiss her, but that was the most he intended to happen.  There's no way he was going to screw this up by moving too quickly.  Slow and steady was the way to go here, because the end goal wasn't a hook up.  

He shook himself out of his thoughts and finished getting ready, running a nervous hand through his hair as he looked at the clock.  He still had an hour until Rory would be ready.  He sat down and turned on the TV, absentmindedly flipping through the channels as his mind was a million miles off.


Rory had just dried her hair and gotten dressed when her doorbell rang.  She looked at the clock in a panic and had a fleeting thought that Finn was way too early for their date, but went to answer the door anyway.  She walked to the door and opened it, speaking before she even saw who was on the other side.

"You're not supposed to pick me up for another half hour," she scolded as she opened the door.

"And here I didn't even know I was supposed to be picking you up," Jess retorted as he walked in the door.

"Sorry, I didn't realize it was you," Rory quickly apologized as she walked back toward her bedroom to continue getting ready, Jess hot on her heels.

"Where's Em?" Jess asked.  "I've missed her this week, but it's been crazy with the new store.  I feel awful that I haven't spent any time with you guys."

"Oh, she's with my mom.  She showed up when I was leaving school today and wanted to take her for the weekend," Rory replied as she put on her makeup.  "How's your week been?"

"It's been hell, but it's better now.  I was hoping to take my two favorite girls out to dinner, but I'm guessing you're busy?" Jess asked.

"Yeah, sorry about that.  So, how's Eve?" Rory asked, inquiring about Jess's girlfriend.

"I wouldn't know.  She and I actually broke up," Jess answered quietly.

"Oh, Jess!  I'm so sorry.  Why didn't you tell me?"

"Like I said, crazy week.  I was going to tell you tonight.  Since Em's not home maybe I could come back when you get back from wherever it is that you're going and spend the night?" Jess asked suggestively.

"Oh, I don't think that's a good idea," Rory answered quietly, not making eye contact with her best friend who sometimes warmed her bed.

"Maybe not, but we've done it for the last five years."

"Yes, when we were both single..." Rory trailed off.

"And I just told you I'm single, Ror.  What's going on?"

"I'm...I'm seeing someone, actually.  He'll be here to pick me up for a date shortly."

"Whoa.  I go radio silent for a week and Gilmore goes and gets a boyfriend?" Jess asked in shock.

"Yeah well, a lot has happened this week."

"I should say so.  I didn't even know you were ready to start dating."

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