Chapter One(:

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Chapter 1

As I walk down the quiet street the cold wind gently blows across my nose. It's mid-November and the temperature is dropping. Even though it is next to freezing, I can't help but stop and gaze at all of the fabulous merchandise in store windows. Upcoming sales are plastered everywhere, getting ready for Black Friday. I catch my eye on a gorgeous pair of designer boots. If only, I think to myself. My family isn't exactly high on money at the moment. My mother is a struggling poet desperate for publishing. My father, on the other hand, is an obsessive doomsday prepper.

As I approach my house I can hear daisy has spotted me. She barks and yaps, an overexcited puppy indeed. I hop up the steps leading to the front porch and kick the snow off my worn-out old boots.

"Mackenzie?" I hear my mother yell as I stumble in the door.

"Where are you?" I respond, throwing my bag on the table.

"I'm in the kitchen." I walk through our little run-down home and find my mother cooking dinner. "It's meatloaf." She tells me.

"Yuck!" I say while grabbing a bowl and the carton of milk. I select my choice of cereal very carefully, and settle on some Applejacks. "Where is Liz?" I ask. Elizabeth is my older sister. Her and I are six years apart, she being 20. "She is picking up Julie and Mitch." my mom answers. Julie is my 6 year old younger sister and Mitch is 17. I plop on the couch and click on the TV.

"Now Mac, I went to the trouble of making dinner for us. You always complain when no one makes-"

"shush!" I interrupt. There is a news broadcast.

"There have been many hospitalized and even more dead." The news reporter states. "Stay indoors and you will receive help soon."

"What in the world?!" Mom shouts. "I didn't catch the first part of the-" I'm interrupted by the shriek of the reporter. An ugly human-resembling monster just took a bite out of her shoulder! I sit there, stunned, unable to comprehend what just happened. She falls to the ground and the station crashes.

"Mom...." I say.

"Honey," she responds, "go pack your things, we need to leave. Now."

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