Chapter Fourteen(:

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*Mac's POV*


It's perfect.

Food. Houses. Neighbors. Parties. Other kids. Laughter. Safety.

The leader is showing us around the beautiful town and is going to give us our own house. Well, half a house. We figured since there are only four of us that we could spare some room for another small family who feels the same way. For the time being, though, we will have the house to ourselves.


"Here we are, this is your house." the leader tells us.

"Thanks, um, I didn't catch your name." Liz says.

"Well everyone calls me the Governor." He says with a smile.

"The Governor? Really?" I say, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah I'm not quite sure how that nickname started," He said, chuckling. "I just go with it."

"Well then, Governor, thanks." Liz says. He nods and it's quiet for a moment.

"Tomorrow we will be having a community day," he tells father, "It's a day for everyone to meet new people and get to know them."

"Well, count us in." He says with a smile.


Our house is pretty big. There are enough rooms for everyone to have their own, but I decided to share one with Lizzie. I mean, I've shared one with her my whole life. At one point we even shared a bed, when our bunk-bed broke.

Last night I actually got sleep, too. I felt safe, protected. I listened to the occasional ruckus of the people changing shifts from the wall during the night, constantly assuring me of the security here. Everything's so efficient, everyone knows their jobs. I'm assuming we will get our own jobs in the near future but for the time being, I'm going to enjoy my freedom, if you can even call it that nowadays.

I just sit on my bed, taking it all in. Our old place was gloomy, boring and lonely. Woodbury is the exact opposite. The people here are happy, full of life. It actually gives me hope.

"You should come out and meet everybody. Make some friends." Liz says, interrupting my thoughts.

"My gosh, Lizzie, you scared the crap out of me. How long have you been standing there?" I say, trying to avoid the real issue.

"Quit trying to change the subject, Mac. Why won't you even try to be social? These people took us in, gave us our own house! You can at least try to seem grateful." she scolds.

"I am, really. I just...I don't know.. like to keep to myself. You know that." I sit up and look at her.

"You need to have friends and grow up like a normal kid. I don't want this changing who you are."

That's what Mom said before...

I shake the thought away and walk past Liz out of the room.

"Good girl." Liz says, following after me.

We walk out and the street is flooded with people. I look around and spot Julie playing with another little boy.

I smile at that sight and keep walking. I feel like everyone is staring at me.

"Why's everyone staring?" I ask Liz.

"I guess they just want to meet us. Apparently we're the only people they found this month. I've already met some of the people and..."

I don't pay attention to the end of what she said because I am focused on something else.

Someone else actually.

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