Chapter Nineteen(:

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"Wake up." I whine and throw a pillow at Liz.

"I'm up, I'm up." she grumbles.

"We have a party to get ready for!" I cheer. She shoots straight up. "What?" I ask.

"You're being enthusiastic."

"I know. Scary, isn't it?" I laugh, "C'mon, I'll do your hair."

She gets up and sits in front of me. I take her hair in my hands and comb through it.

"So, what's the deal with that boy, what's his name, Brandon?" She asks.

"Braedan is just a friend. Why do you ask?"

She turns her face towards me a little. "No reason." She smirks.

I turn her head forwards again. "If you want this to look good, you're gonna have to be still." I command.

"Do you think he's cute?" She giggles.

"Oh my gosh, what's everyone's problem? Am I not allowed to be friends with a boy? How do you even know about him?"

"Delilah." She laughs.

"I should've known." I mutter, "There. You're all done."

She looks at the French braid in the mirror. "It looks great."

"Thanks." I say. "Are you going to do the survival thing?"

"I'm not sure yet. I don't think I need it but it might be fun."

"Me too, I can't wait to start." I say.

"Well come on, Little Duck, let's go to the party." She says. I smile at my old nickname, and we head out.


"Great party, huh?" Delilah asks as she and Braedan approach.

"Yeah, this is great." I say and take a sip of my lemonade.

"Um, can I talk to you a second, Mac?" Braedan asks.

"Well I was just about to, uh, talk to my sister. Sorry." I say as an excuse not to talk to him and head over to Liz.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, are you having fun?" She asks.

"Eh. A little. You?"

"Yeah. It's a nice party."



It's quiet a moment.

"Do you still think about mom? And Mitch?" I break the silence.

"All the time. Why?"

"I miss them." My voice cracks.

"I do too, Mac." She pulls me in for a hug. "So, so much."


The party went by in a blur. The best part was when two men fought in a ring with walkers chained up around them. Something about it just got my blood pumping and I was chanting and having a great time. But now it's morning and my head is pounding from lack of sleep.

I get up and head downstairs for breakfast. I pick some AppleJacks and remember we don't have any milk, so I eat them dry. Afterwards I lay on the couch and start to doze off.

"Mac, aren't you coming to training?" Liz asks, waking me.

"Oh crap, it's Monday." I jump up and run upstairs. I throw some decent clothes on and start out the door but stop.

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