Chapter Seven(:

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We were all silent for awhile. No one new what to do.

"Daddy, look! It's a tiny hole in the door! I can see what's going on out there!" Julie says.

"What do you see?!" Mitch asks.

"Umm just cars." She replies.

"Let me look." Liz says. "Ah!" She she says but immediately puts her hand over her mouth. I look out, too. And I see an arm. A rotted, bloodstained arm. I scoot back as quietly as I can.

"Everyone be quiet." I say almost inaudibly.

"How many?" Dad whispers.

"I don't know because there is one standing directly outside." I look out the hole again and see the walker start to hobble away. Then I see that there are about 30 others on the highway too. "Oh my gosh! There are a ton out there!" I say.

"How are we going to get out of this stupid truck then?" Mitch asks.

"All we can do it wait for them to leave." Liz says. And that's exactly what we did.

We were all getting restless. The walkers were just shuffling around out there.

"Daddy I'm hungry!" Julie wined.

"We'll get some food soon, Princess." Dad said calmly.

Elizabeth fell asleep on my leg and now it, too, was asleep.

"Hey, Liz?" I said while shaking her a little. "Liz!" I repeated. Ugh. She was out cold. Michel had dozed off in the corner as well. I was a little tired myself but had to keep watch. Suddenly there where several gunshots coming from the woods that made everyone jump. I immediately thought of Andrea and Amy. I looked out the hole and saw the walkers where heading towards the shots.

They're leaving!

"Guys they're leaving!" I say. We wait a few minutes after they leave, just to be sure.

"Alright," Dad says "All clear."

We quietly open the door and hop out one at a time. God, my legs are stiff. I stretch them out and walk over to an abandoned car.

"Gross" I mutter as I look in the mirror of the car. I really need a shower. I wonder when I'll be able to get one. That reminds me...

"Dad?" I say.

"Yes Hun?" He replies.

"Where are we gonna to go now?"

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