Chapter Twenty(:

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"Bullseye." I said triumphantly when my last arrow went in the middle of the target.

"Four for four again, Mackenzie?" Andrew said in awe.

"Yup." I smiled.

We'd been coming out here everyday for a week now, and I've gotten pretty good. It just comes natural to me, like a baby's first steps. I just needed a little guidance and a motive-survival.

I glanced over at Braedan, who was learning about knives. He still looks afraid of them.The way he holds one, like it's going to fly out of his hands and stab someone.

"Eyes on the target." Andrew commands. I know that he's talking to me so I keep practicing.

After another hour or two, the sun starts to set and it's almost time to head back.

"Hey, Mac." Braedan startles me, causing my arrow to fly straight into the trees around us. "Woah, sorry." He laughs.

"Thanks, now I have to go find it." I sigh. "What do you want anyway?" I pick up my backpack and sling it over a shoulder.

"Oh, nothing." He looks ahead. "I'll help you find your arrow."

As we venture into the darkening woods Braedan stiffens. "Shouldn't we have told someone we were coming out here?" He says warily.

"We'll be back soon." I inspect the ground, "It should be easy to find." My blue and red arrow will surely stand out from the dead, gray brush.

After quite some time, though, I start to worry. Is the arrow worth the risk?

Before I can decide, there's a gunshot, followed by screams. I peer through the trees and see a herd of walkers attacking everyone in the clearing. Braedan starts toward the group, but I pull him back.

"This way." I order and lead us away from the herd.

Holding onto his arm firmly, I guide him around stray roots and branches. I breathe heavily as I try to figure out our next move. As i stop to think Breadan pulls his arm from my grasp.
"What are we doing?!" He says with wide eyes, "Woodbury is that way." He points behind us. I sigh.

"That's also the where the herd was heading. If we go that way, we'd be dead." I turn away from him, contemplating our surroundings. "The trees." I say, finally.
"What are you talking about?" He looks at the tall trees around us.

"We'll have to sleep in the trees." I take my backpack off and pull out the rope I always keep in it. I hold it in my hands and come to the realization that I have no idea how to do this.

Braedan takes a step back, shocked. "We are not sleeping out here. We have to go back."

I sigh, shaking my head. "We can't, Braedan."

Hesitantly, he pulls out his knife and holds it in front of him. He takes a deep breath. "Okay. Okay. What do you need me to do?"

GUYS IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES AND THE SHORT CHAPTER. I'm going to start writing again, I promise. I decided to post this short chapter and do a follow up one later. Sorry for the long wait and cliffhanger, leave your thoughts in the comments and vote💜🌚

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