Chapter Twelve(:

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*Mac's POV*

When I open my eyes I can see the light shining in the tent.

Hmm. That's weird. I don't remember coming in the tent.

I yawn and crawl out. Everyone is awake and eating breakfast. Julie is sipping some hot chocolate and Liz is half asleep, eating some oatmeal. Mitch is on watch but Dad is no where to be seen.

I walk over to Mitch.

"Where's Dad?" I ask him.

"He wanted to get a look at where we are going. See if it's safe." He replies, never taking his eyes off the woods in front of him.

"He went alone?!" I yell.

"Relax. He's can manage by himself." Mitch says.

"But what if he falls or something?! What if he's laying on the ground and can't get up and a walker goes for him! What if-"

"I'm back!" Dad yells.

Mitch shoots me a "I told you so look" then yells back at Dad.

"What did you see?" He yells.

Dad sets down his stuff and approaches us.

"I made it to the town" Dad tells us. "It's just a few miles." 

"Well we should still get going. Who knows what problems we'll run into next." Mitch says.

We pack up camp and get ready to leave. I'm on watch as we grab the last of our stuff.

"Alright. Time to go."  Liz instructs.

*After walking for awhile*

"Is that it?" I ask Dad.

"That's it."

As we transition from trail to road I look around at the houses. They look abandoned.

No one's even here.

"Let's check this house." Dad says.

"Check for what?" I ask.

"Supplies." he sternly says.

He walks over to the house, ready to bust open the door.

"Don't we have more then enough supplies?" I say, confused.

"Honey we're constantly using this stuff. We need to be prepared. Besides, a lot of my survival gear got left behind in the car." He says.

But that doesn't mean we should steal.

I go along with it anyway because I don't want to start anything. Mitch and Dad get the door open and we walk inside. I go to the living room while everyone else raids the kitchen. I plop on the couch.

Just like home. I think to myself.

I start drifting into sleep when I hear someone scream bloody murder.

Before my brain can keep up with my legs I stumble into the kitchen and hear a gunshot. My eyes focus on the scene before me and I see Mitch.


Then I see the walker.

I just stand there, dumbfounded, while my mind wraps around the situation. I'm suddenly flooded with sadness. Then fear. I crawl over to his body and touch his forehead. Then his blood-smeared neck. I sit there for what feels like only a matter of minutes but turns out to be almost an hour. Finally my dad comes over.

"He's going to come back soon. It isn't safe." He tells me, his voice hoarse.

"They lived here." I say.

"Who?" he asks me.

"This person." I say, motioning towards the walker but not taking my eyes off Mitch. 

"How do you know?"

"Look. There's a picture of her on the wall. With her family." I say.

I wonder where the family is now. Actually, everyone. Why is this town completely empty?

I try to stand up but my legs are weak from being crouched so long. Dad sees me struggle and helps me up. I turn to him.

"Let's stay." I say, forcing a half smile.

"If-if you want to." He replies, tilting his head in confusion.

"Alright. Let's clear the rest of the house."

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