Chapter twenty-one(:

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I breathe quietly as I watch the ground below us. Every little sound paralyzes me with fear, instantly averting my gaze to a harmless bird or a fallen twig. Growing tired of staring mindlessly at the ground, I gaze up at the moon and the stars floating around it. When was the last time I had looked at it? I had almost forgotten how beautiful it is, how beautiful life can be.

The barren trees don't provide much cover and as dawn arrives I am growing anxious. It is Braedan's turn to take watch though, honestly, I don't trust my life in his hands. His intention would never be to put me in danger, but his instincts were less than sharp. He's been sheltered for too long and I don't know how long he'll last out here.

"Breadan? Wake up." I gently shake his arm. His eyes flutter open and gradually find their way to me. A look of confusion floods his face but quickly eases.

"Is it my turn?" he says groggily. He starts to untie the rope keeping himm secured to the tree.

"Yes," I reluctantly say. He hands me the rope. I give it back. "I'll stay up with you." I quickly add. He cocks his head.

"You were just up all night. You need to sleep." He puts the rope back in my hands.

"I'm fine, really." I lie, "I don't sleep much anymore anyway."

That, however, was true.

I extend the rope back to him but he refuses. I set it between us instead.

"You can't make me sleep, y'know." I laugh. His stern do-what-I-say look disappears and a slight smirk takes it's place. He sighs.

"You're so stubborn, Mackenzie." He smiles and we both burst into giggles.

And here, sitting in this bare tree in the morning's first light with him, is a moment I won't ever forget.


At around 6:00 am, we guessed anyway, we decided it was time to climb down and make our way back to Woodbury. As we walk down the trail, we can only wonder what condition our town is in. We could come back to ruins or it could be completely untouched. The only thing we could do was pray to whoever is up there that our families are safe.

"I see the clearing." I say and we speed up towards the shooting range we were chased from the day before. Once we get there, Braedan collapses to the group and I almost do, too.

There are over a dozen bodies scattered around the clearing. Three walkers still linger, finishing their meals.

"Oh my God." I mutter, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. Braedan is in tears.

As the first rush of sickness passes, rage takes its place. I take out an arrow slide it into my bow. I pull back the string and let the arrow penetrate the skull of one of the infected monsters. Without retrieving it, I go to the next and aim for it, tears flooding my eyes. After running out of arrows, I pull out my knife.

"You disgusting, filthy, rotting monsters!" I scream while stabbing the walker. I continue to until my arm will no longer function and collapse to the ground beside Braedan, covered in dark blood.

"Mac." Braedan whispers. I ignore him and squeeze my eyes shut. "Mac?" He persists.

"Wh-What?" I manage through sobs.

"That body, over there." I look to where he's pointing and immediately know what he's talking about.

About five yards away, there is a young girl with brown hair laying face down.

"That's not... That can't be. It's not her."


"It could be someone else." I get up and slowly make my way to the body, praying it's not Delilah.

My heart is racing as I approach her. I can feel Braedan's presence behind me. With shaking hands I flip her over and wipe the hair from her face.

Hey guys, so my story is, sadly, nearing the end. I am actually considering starting another once this one ends, but I don't know what it will be about yet ^_^ Be sure to vote and share your thoughts in the comments! Also, tell your friends about my story if you can(:

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