Chapter Twenty-Two(:

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Braedan and I trudge down the long road, the wind pushing against us. Neither of us had said a word the whole way back; what was there to say?

In the distance, slowly the huge walls surrounding our homes came into view. As we got closer I could see dead walkers outlining the huge barriers.

"It doesn't look like any biters got in." Braedan says and I nod. We finally get close enough for the person on lookout to notice we are alive, not walkers.

"Hey!" she yells down behind her. "There are two kids coming this way!"

We explain that we were with the group that was attacked and they open the walls for us. Inside, almost everyone was out of their home in nervous fits. They cleared a path for us to walk through, staring us down. It was then that I remembered my clothes were covered in dark scarlett blood. I tried to avoid the gazes as I made my way to my house.

About half way there I hear someone shout my name from behind me. I turn to find Delilah sprinting toward me and run into my arms.

"I didn't want to leave you behind, Mac, I swear I didn't. When the herd came I told Andrew you both were out in the woods but he said we had to run. I'm so sorry." Her and I are both in tears. After seeing that dead girl that could have been her, I realized how lucky I am that she's alive.

"It's okay. I'm fine, see?" I pull back from her and give a slight smile. I explained that we slept in the trees and were completely unharmed.

After a few minutes Delilah and I go our seperate ways to our houses. I open the door to find everyone sitting at the table.

"Hey, I'm back." I say casually and put my backpack on the ground. Within seconds Liz has her arms around me in a close embrace.

"Oh my God, what happened out there? How did you get back? Is this your blood?" I was flooded with questions from everyone. I told my them what happened and answered their questions.


That week was weird. Everyone was going crazy. I had expected people to wonder what happened to Braedan and I but there was something more important happening. Something big. We had been attacked by terrorists. They broke in and killed some of our people after we captured one of them. I guess it was Merle's brother, the guy with one hand. I was in the house when it happened because Dad didn't want me out there seeing whatever was going on.

Today, I found out what was really going on. The Governor told us the truth, why we had been going outside of the walls to shoot. The terrorists live at a prison and were very dangerous. They are attacking us, we have no choice other than to fight back. Everyone fourteen and up is to fight.

We are going to war.

Okay so here's where I'm changing a bunch of stuff. Please bear with me, I know it's incorrect. The war will be bigger than the one in season three originally is. I hope you enjoy it. I think the next chapter will be my last one, but I have decided what I am doing for my next story!

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