Chapter Twenty-three(:

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I hope you all enjoy the last chapter!

It's the day of the attack. We've been training non-stop; we're ready.

I grab my bow and arrows, put on my leather jacket, and lace up my boots with shaking hands. I look to my dad and he nods. He will be going into this too. Along with Liz, Delilah and Braedan.

The Governor has us line up in front of the wall. I see Delilah and inch through the crowd to get beside her. We all listen attentively as the Governor gives tells us the plan. We are going to sneek into the prison.

I look over and notice Delilah's face is as white as a sheet of paper.

"What's wrong?" I whisper. She turns to me with wide eyes.

"I'm not ready to do this, I don't want to do this. I can't kill people." She shakes her head and her eyes tear up. Until now, I hadn't thought about what we are actually doing. We are going to brake into someone's home and kill them. I start to back away in shock.

"I hadn't thought about that." I admit. But then I realize something. "The Governor is a good man, he took us into his shelter. We should trust him, shouldn't we?"

The walls suddenly open and people start to file out. I grab delilah's hand so I don't lose her. I can feel Liz's grip on my jacket. I force my feet to lift me into the truck.


After a long, bumpy ride we are finally there. The prison was breath-takingly huge. We brake through the secure fences and get out of the vehicle. I stay close to Delilah, Braedan, and my dad and Liz. Julie is back at Woodbury with the other children and elderly.

"We can do this." I mutter, not very convincingly.

We get inside a cell block. Everyone's silent, too scared to make a sound. We find ourselves in the place that they sleep. Unlike what was planned, the block is completely deserted. The cells are stripped clean. The Governor decides to push on.

As we go around a corner in the hall we are stopped my deafening sirens along with blinding lights and smoke. To make things better, over a dozen walkers come toward us.

"Go back!" The Governor yells. Everyone pushes us toward the way we just came. Even through the shoving and shouting, I never lose Delilah.

We break through the doors and sprint toward the trucks, but we are interrupted by gunfire. Lining the fences are the terrorists shooting at us.

"Come on!" I scream as I drag Liz and Delilah to cover.

"This-This is crazy." Liz shudders and pulls out her gun. Delilah does the same. I peer around the pile of rubble that we are hidden behind. It's too far to shoot with my bow, so I pull out my gun as well. The three of us stare at each other, not knowing what to do. I spot Dad in the truck aiming his gun out the window. I try to find Braedan but he's nowhere in sight. Liz suddenly turns and shoots five rounds at a man in black body gear in the watch tower, but he doesn't fall. Instead, he shoots in our direction. Delilah screams and we all duck. After a few seconds, he moves on to his next target.

"Are you guys okay?" Liz asks and grabs my arms. Delilah and I both nod.

Behind Liz, I can see Braedan running out of the truck toward the other watch tower. In a split second I am running after him.

"Braedan!" I yell but he keeps running. I catch up to him and grab his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

He reaches into his pocket. "The Governor gave me this." He says and reveals a grenade. "He said to take out the watch tower."

"Are you crazy? That's a suicide run!" I take the grenade from him. "We need to get to cover."

We run back to Liz and Delilah. When we are about five feet away I stumble to the ground.

"Mac!" I hear Braedan yell as he runs back to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I try to get up. "It's just my stomach..." I look down and feel like I'm going to pass out. I then look at the man in he black vest who shot me.

When Braedan realizes what happened he bursts into tears. He picks me up and carries me back to Liz and Delilah. I am immediately surrounded by cries and curses and screams. I can feel my conciousness slipping away but I manage to fight it for a few minutes.

Delilah hugs me, and then Braedan does. I tell them I love them and to stay safe.


"I'm here, Little Duck." She sobs. I grab her hand and try to smile.

"Take care of Dad and Julie." I make out, and she nods.

"I will."

In that moment, the nightmare that was the world ended for me. My vision dimmed to blackness.

But then, I saw my mom.

"Where am I?"

"You're home, Mackenzie."

So that's the end. I hope you liked it. Thank you all so much for the love and support. My new fanfic will be out in a few days, it's called Trust Me. Let me know what you thought in the comments and, as always, don't forget to vote. I love you guys!

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