Chapter Four(:

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Everything is happening so fast. Next thing I know, we have somehow found Mitch, Liz, Julie and Dad. We are at Gram's old house, deciding what to do.

"What is happening?!" I yell while on the floor with my arms around my legs.

"Honey you need to be quiet." My dad whispers.

Suddenly a monster comes straggling through the hallway.

"Look out!" Mitch yells as it's going for dad.

I leap up and shove it out of the way. Now it's coming for me and I'm cornered. God it's hideous. I look behind me and there are kitchen knives. I hastily grab one and push it away with all of my force. I stab it in the stomach. It doesn't react to it at all. In an act of desperation I stab it in the eye. It drops to the ground and so do I.

I wake up to the sound of Julie crying. My head is pounding. We are on the road again.

"Where are we headed?" I manage to say.

"Atlanta." Liz replies.

"We stopped back at the house and got my supplies while you were out." Dad says.

" did you know to stab that thing in the eye?" Liz asks.

"I don't know I just...nothing else worked. Why are we going to Atlanta?" I ask.

"The government will protect the cities. Hopefully." Mitch answers. We come to a stop.

"Crap. Traffic jam." Dad says.

We get out of the car like the people up ahead of us. I can barely make out a conversation of a woman and a teenage girl.

"Andrea, this is really freaking me out."

"Relax Amy, we will be fine."

I walk up to them.

"Do you have any idea what is going on?"

"Not a clue." Replies the older one, whom I'm assuming is Andrea.

"I'm Amy and this is my older sister Andrea." The young one replies.

"Um..I'm Mackenzie, but you can call me Mac, back there is my my mom, Hannah, and my dad Jeff. There is also my two sisters and brother. Julie, Mitch, and Liz." I say while pointing out who is who. "We are on our way to-" BOOM! I get cut off by a huge explosion.

"Oh my gosh!" Amy screams. "They are bombing Atlanta!"

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