Chapter Thirteen(:

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*Mac's POV*

We've been at this house for awhile. A little over three months, maybe. Just me, Dad, Lizzie, and Julie. We're running low on supplies and need to get some. Soon. When we first got here it was just a few walkers coming around every once and awhile. But now there are usually a dozen or so lingering outside all day.

"We need to get more food." Lizzie whispers to me. We don't usually talk to one another but when we do we whisper.

"I know. I'll tell Dad. Try to talk him into going in a run." I say.

I walk into Dad's room and find him sitting on his bed reading. I stand in the doorway and look at him. His once clean-shaven face is now almost a full beard.

"Haven't you read that book like three times?" I ask, which startles him.

"Four times actually. But what else is there to do?" He says, chuckling.

"We could...go on a run maybe?" I suggest.

His smile starts to fade.

He scratches the back of his neck. "I don't know Mac..It's too-"

"I know I know, too risky. But we're low on food and supplies! And we haven't been outside in months! Julie is in the living rooms playing with spoons for goodness sake! We could use some excitement." I yell, cutting him off.

He sighs. "Alright. We'll leave in 15 minutes. Tell Julie and Liz." He says.

Well that was easier than I thought.

Dad hastily opens up the back door. I feel a cool breeze on my face.

It must be at least January.

We all shuffle outside. We sneak around going from backyard to backyard. Finally we reach a store. I put my gun up, ready incase a walker jumps out at us.

Dad opens the door in the back of the store and we all rush in. No one must've thought about coming here because this place is full of stuff.

Everyone immediately goes to the food while I walk over to the clothes department.  

They look at me in confusion.

"What?" I ask, "We'll need clothes too."

"That's true.." Dad says with a confused look, "carry on."

I go to the rack and start looking through the shirts. There are sale signs plastered everywhere.

It was almost Black Friday, that's why.

I walk over to the shoes and see a familiar pair of boots. I remember looking at these in a store window before. The very day this all started. They are light brown with a wedge and dark brown fur along the top. I guess everything's fair game now...right? I pick them up and just stare at them.

No. They aren't meant for protection. They're meant for fashion.

I put them down and exchange them for a pair of hunting boots. I take off my old sneakers and lace up the boots but see something moving outside the store window out of the corner of my eye.

What the heck was that? 

I creep over to the window, keeping myself crouched behind a mannequin.

It's a truck. An army truck, actually. Has that always been there? Just then I see two men get out and start walking to the store. 

"Dad, there are people outside!" I yell. 

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