Chapter Eighteen(:

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I walk down the street towards the school. It should be over soon, so I sit on a bench and look at the people. I'm still getting used to all the activity in this place. Before we got here, the little house we stayed in was anything but exciting. We barely talked to each other. I spent my days sorting the food into rations and constantly checking to make sure the doors and windows were sturdy.

I snap back to reality when the school doors fly open. I search the small group of kids. Delilah spots me and runs over to where I'm sitting.

"Hey! Why didn't you come today?" She asks.

"'s a long story." I say because I don't know why myself.

"Oh, okay?"

"Sorry, but I have to go talk to Braedan." I say.

I get up and walk in the direction of his house. I see him walking and run up to him.

"We have to talk." I say, which startles him.

"Yeah, we do."


"So." Braedan says as he plops on his bed.

"So?" I reply, walking around his room looking at the stuff he has.

"Do you remember anthing about last night?" He asks.

"Well, I remember falling asleep on the couch, but I woke up in your bed. Then, I found out that you ditched me." I sass.

"Okay, so you don't remember."

"Remember what?"

"Last night I was awaken by your screams. I ran downstairs and tried to wake you up but it was no use. You were screaming and crying for an hour."

I stop dead in my tracks. "What? That doesn't make any sense."

"Do you remember having a bad dream?" He asks.

"No...I don't know. Maybe." I reply. I'm trying to think of what the dream would've been about. Most likely walkers or something.

"Was it about biters? Someone you love?"

An image of my mother flashes through my mind. That's when I remember.

"My mom." I say quietly to myself. "It was my mom."

"Your mom? Well what happened?" He urges.

"I don't..I don't remember. I don't want to remember." I turn away towards the door. I debate leaving but something pulls me back. "Why do you even care, anyway?"

"I'm just worried about you, Mackenzie."

"Yeah, well I'm fine now so you can stop pretending to be a hero." I walk out of the doorway.

"Why do you do this?" He shouts. I stop. "Why?" He repeats. I walk back to him.

"You don't know me, Braedan. You don't know anything about me."


"What is the capital of Kansas?" Miss Andrews asks. She's our one and only teacher. She's also the most boring creature on this dead earth.

"Mackenzie?" I nearly jump out of my skin.

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"What is the capital of Kansas?"


"That is not an answer."

"I don't know." I mumble.

"And why not?"

"I just don't." I fight.

"Well, that isn't acceptable."

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