Chapter Three(:

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"Mom, where are we going?!" After a few minutes my mom finally sighs and says

"Do I need to explain everything to you?"

"It would be much appreciated." I reply.

"Well if you must know, here it is. Your father and I decided that if anything were to happen to make it, well, unsafe here, we ought to have a plan. At this time of day, the plan is for dad to go find Liz, Mitch, and Julie who would be on their way home. Then, meet at your grandmothers old house and to further discuss what to do from there. If it is unsafe there, we go to your dad's favorite hunting spot."

"But what if it's unsafe there too?" I ask.

"At last resort, we use walkie talkies for communication."

"Why wouldn't we just use those from the start?"

"Batteries. We need to conserve everything."

"Mom," I finally ask, "what is happening?"

(Sorry it's so short! I'll be putting more up really soon! Don't forget to vote😊)

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