Im Sorry

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Before the real topic of this story I'll give you something to blush on this is a KENOCO time...enjoy...


"Jeez...are you even sure that Rob would forgive Matt..." I murmured as Kenny shook 'dunno' as we were walking the street it was so damn awkward but so barking dogs pass beside Kenny as he hid behind me holding me tightly "shoo!!!" I said as I made the dogs  run as Kenny head out from my back "sorry about that..." He didn't notice that I saw his wrist my tattoo was there,a feather,a yellow eyes widened as he panicked "uhh...I'm sorry I'll explain I-" he was cut off as I opened my sleeve which showed a tattoo that looked like a grey feather he's eyes widened " is this your tatt-" I asked but before I finished.he kissed me as my eyes widened the kiss took longer than 2 minutes I resist cause I can't breathe plus were making out on the street but the good thing one was there whoo...thank we pulled away "I love me..and I love you too can't keep answering my questions by a two minute kiss and it's on the street..what if you can't control...your self what if you make it in school too and I know that you know that it wouldn't be a good thing" I argued as he scratched the back of his neck and answered shyly "sorry..." As I tapped his shoulder as he looked up and smiled as I smiled back "you know what all couples's okay...." I stated as we keep walking " we're-" he asked as I finished "were couples now..." As he looked down and blushed deeply as the same goes  to we continued walking the street,our hands intertwined...this is so damn romantic....


I'm so freaking nervous right now...with Brandon here at my side waiting for Rob.were at the front of his room as I saw him walking towards us with two boys beside him it was Lachlan and Preston as Rob's eyes widened as he saw me as I quickly head towards him the two boys beside him looked confused as I spoke nervously "Rob....I just wanna say.....sorry...I'm sorry about what I did was so wrong and I should think before I did that and I accept that your not gonna take me as your bestfriend anymore but I hope that you could forgive me..and I-" before I could finish he tapped my shoulder as I saw his eyes watering "I can't hate my Bestfriend....I love a friend off course and I forgive you"he said, my tears of joy started to stream down my cheeks as we hugged "friends again?" I asked doing a pinkyswear as he agreed "no.... Bestfriends again..." As we smiled as me and Brandon head back to my room as the Three of them head to their room but guess what the KENOCO catch up "guys!!!what happened" Choco as Ked leaning at the door way of my room...."well he forgive me.." I said cheerfully as he smiled...were all back to normal again what could happen?...

Timeskip at lunch


We all gathered at the table but Preston kept asking "sir forgive sir for what?" I was about to open my mouth but I'm scared he's the only one who doesn't know about me being gay what  if he judge me and what if he doesn't to talk to me anymore,everyone around Isis gay except for him...I mean I like him.but what if knows and he'll avoid me and I can't let that happen ."the way sir.Nooch acted yesterday.." Lachlan answered helping me out as Preston nodded as I check on Mitch who was beside me he smiled as I smiled back and as I stared at the guys as we all smiled...and ate our lunch and chatted as the bell rang and we do what we do after it...

Timeskip dismissal


We got home again,Lachlan left again and me here again reviewing for the exam idea strike directly in my mind and I always do it....CALL SIR.LATSKY MUAHAHAHA!!!!!

I had to put Kenny's tattoo a grey feather because I really don't have any ideas what's he's tattoo was so THATS what i put there so THATS it for now....thank you...hope you keep voting and following me and I promise if you do I'll do the same to you...and remember I love you all....AC out...luv u.

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