7||Commonly Confused Words

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This post was made by sixxon on Tumblr, or sixxon.tumblr.com/post/159705872945/writing-tips-pt-1-commonly-confused-words

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Affect & Effect

Affect (V): To change or make a different to something
Effect (N): A result

Advice & Advise

Advice (N): A recommendation of a solution for a problem
Advise (V): To recommend something

Allowed & Aloud

Allowed (Verbal Noun): To be permitted, "I am allowed."
Aloud (Adv): Out loud

A Long & Along

A Long (Adj): Describing something long
Along (Verbal Noun): Moving or extending horizontally onwards

Alter & Altar

Alter (V): To change something
Altar (N): A sacred table in a church

All Together & Altogether

All Together (Adv): All in one place, all at once
Altogether (Adj/Adv): Completely, on the whole

Aisle & Isle

Aisle (N): A passage between rows of seats
Isle (N): An island

Bear & Bare

Bear (V/N): To carry or put up with / a wild animal (a bear)
Bare (V/Adj): To uncover / naked or uncovered

Brake & Break

Brake (N/V): A device to stop a vehicle / to stop a vehicle
Break (V): To separate into pieces

Bated & Baited

Bated (Adj): In great suspense "with bated breath."
Baited (V): Baited with an object; to bait

Compliment & Complement

Compliment (N/V): To praise / a remark of admiration
Complement (N): An addition that improves the original; two things that go together

Defuse & Diffuse

Defuse (V): To make a situation less tense
Diffuse (V): To spread over a large area

Exercise & Exorcise

Exercise (V): To do a physical activity
Exorcise (V): To drive out an evil spirit

Elicit & Illicit & Explicit

Elicit (V): To draw out a reply or reaction
Illicit (N): Something not allowed by laws or rules
Expliciti (N): Something clearly explained

Hoard & Horde

Hoard (V): To collect without throwing away anything
Horde (N): A group of people or animals

Insure & Ensure

Insure (V): To provide compensation in case of death or damage
Ensure (V): To make that certain something will happen

Imply & Infer

Imply (V): To suggest something indirectly
Infer (V): To draw a conclusion of something

Lose & Loose

Lose (V): To be deprived of
Loose (V/Adj): To unfasten; to set free / something that is too large to fit an object, "My pants are too lose:

Pedal & Peddle

Pedal (N): A foot-operated lever
Peddle (V): To sell goods

Practice & Practise

Practice (N): The use of an idea or method; "a dental practice:
Practise (V): To do something repeatedly to gain skills

Principal & Principle

Principal (N): The head figure of a school
Principle (N): A fundamental rule or belief

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