Reasons to Keep Writing

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this post is by morgannbethh on tumblr, or

check them out and enjoy

-everyone starts small. just because you're not big now, doesn't mean you'll never be. and if you're just starting out, keep in mind those bigger blogs have been writing for much longer than you. building a following takes time.

-there will always be someone who enjoys your writing. every like, reblog, and comment is one person who enjoyed what you wrote and i can assure you they want more! and remember, not everyone remembers to leave evidence that they liked your writing or they might just be too nervous to interact with you. invisible fans exist, and you've got them.

-going along with that last one, your writing has the potential to help others! you could write about a minority, or maybe you could publish a little something comforting at the exact time someone else needs it. and most of the time, when you affect someone like this they'll tell you, whether it be through tags, or a private message or whatever. that's an amazing feeling.

-getting a compliment from someone becomes a sure-fire way to make your day better. nothing feels greater than seeing a comment from someone saying how much they love something you worked hard on. maybe write down these comments somewhere, so you can look at them when you're feeling negative about your skills as a writer.

-writer's block is not the end of your writing career. it sure feels like it sometimes, but everyone, even the popular writers you look up to, suffer from writer's block. everyone puts out work they're not 100% satisfied with sometimes, and that's okay! when you get out of this slump, your writing will be better than ever before and you'll enjoy it again. keep writing through a block so you can get there sooner.

These are the things I think about when I feel bad about my writing, so I hope they can help someone else too.

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