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2012 Country Music Association Awards

The arms that were once pushing her away were now entangled in her hair, pulling harder by each second that passed.

She can feel the hand holding her waist slowly snake around her hips and pull her closer, her head was still spinning from how fast things had turned in a matter of seconds.

Both blondes pulled away from each other, gasping for air. The country singer was more than confused of what just happened as she stared into the hazel eyes of the woman standing in front of her.

She was getting dizzy, maybe from the heat in being locked up inside the small closet, maybe from the alcohol she had consumed earlier in the night or maybe it was from the sensation still lingering in her lips that was pressed against the other singer's just a second ago, either way, she didn't regret any of it.


Everything backstage was getting chaotic, the show was almost on its end. Reba was already on stage presenting the Entertainer Of The Year Award and Blake Shelton ended up winning.

Carrie and Brad closed the show, thankful that nothing major had gone wrong except for the fact that Carrie had been going back and forth from the stage to her dressing room to change outfits to the extent where she didn't know what was going on around her.

"You heading to the after party?" Brad asked as he walked her to her dressing just next to his.

"Yeah probably." Carrie shrugged. Brad had been one of his closest friends in the industry throughout the years starting from when they first toured together when she was still starting out. "I really need a drink."

"Care," Brad started pulling her back to him.before she can close the door. "You know everything will be fine in the end, right? What you're going through now is just another curve ball but you'll make it through." When Carrie nodded, he enveloped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head. "And in case it's all too much for you to handle, you know my wife, the kids and I will always be here for you."

"Thank you." She mumbled, ending their embrace and waving one last goodbye before she closed the door and changed for the party. At least, she'll be able to get her mind off of her problems for the night.

Carrie wasn't really planning on attending the after party and she didn't decide to go until the award show started, when almost all her friends convinced her to. She didn't bother texting her husband, it's not like he's going to be waiting for her anyway.

Worried as hell, Kelly had been running around the hallways looking for Reba. All throughout the years, they had grown close to one another, even treating the country singing legend her second mother. "Shit. I'm sorry!"

Carrie fell flat on her ass due to the force of their collision. She was still recovering from her fall when a pair of hands held her arms and helped her up to stand. "It's okay." She forced a smile, finally looking up to see who she bumped into.

"Oh gosh, Carrie, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." Kelly apologized over and over until the country singer was steady on her feet.

Carrie chuckled a little. "Don't worry, I'm fine." She said. "What's​ with the running anyway?" She was thankful that she was now wearing a black jumpsuit and not a dress.

"I can't find Reba and the arena is almost empty. I'm supposed to ride with her to the after party and back home." Kelly answered, still out of breath.

"Why don't you text her?"

"That's the thing though, my purse is in her car and everything including my phone is there. Now I don't know how I'll go home because I don't have a car nor money with me." Kelly rambled on and on.

"You can ride with me."

"Really? You're a lifesaver, thank you so much!" Kelly almost tackled Carrie to the ground from hugging her. "Are you sure though? I don't want to impose."

Carrie just waved her off. "I'm going to the party as well so you're not imposing or anything." She smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

Kelly nodded with a huge grin on her face, following Carrie's pace of walking so they would be side by side. "I believe we haven't met each other formally." She tried to make small talk as they made their way to the parking lot. "I mean I know we've been on the same event tons of times but we didn't really get the chance to talk."

Carrie chuckled at the other blonde's ability to ramble.

"But anyway, I'm Kelly Brianne Clarkson." She stopped when Carrie stopped in front of a black Ford Mustang. She held her hand out and smiled, showing her top set of teeth.

"I'm Carrie Marie Underwood. Nice to meet you." She felt a little silly for mentioning her middle name but Carrie shook her hand anyway and returned her smile before unlocking the doors of her car.


She was waiting for the cessation on the pounding in her head before opening her eyes which seemed impossible at the moment. Carrie felt like someone was hitting her head with a hammer. She finally stopped fighting the urge to wake up when she felt someone stirring beside her.

Kelly was always used to cuddling with her dogs Joplin and Security every night, but ever since Joplin passed away, Security refused to sleep beside her and chose the floor instead.

Carrie's eyes fluttered open when she felt an unfamiliar arm tighten around her stomach. She was already cursing herself inside her head once she saw that she was not in her bedroom. The singer was almost too afraid to look at who's beside her but knew it was inevitable. "Holy shit."

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