To Forgive and To Forget

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Being suffocated with his embrace was the last thing on Carrie's mind that she would feel once she got home, but here she was, desperately wanting to remove herself from the affection her husband was showering her.

"I'm so glad you're home." Mike mumbled, well aware of Carrie's lack of enthusiasm to even return his hug. He planted a kiss on top of her head. "I'm so sorry, Care. I promise, I wouldn't pull anything like that again."

Carrie merely just nodded, her thoughts only circling around about how she could escape the embrace without seeming too rude. She wanted to say she was sorry, but what was she sorry for exactly? To her expense, she didn't do anything wrong.

Mike still didn't let go of his wife, afraid that if he did she might run away again. "I love you so much." He whispered.

Carrie smiled smally, glad that her husband still feels the same. "I love you too." She knew her husband would want to talk about what happened eventually, but she still wasn't in the mood. She didn't even know why she went home in the first place. "I'm tired, I'm just going to lie down and rest for a while."

Mike nodded. "Call me if you need anything, I'll just be here downstairs."


"Missing me already?" Kelly teased, rubbing her eyes open as she answered her phone. "I told you you could stay a few more days, I don't mind."

Carrie laughed, sitting upright on her bed. "You think so highly of yourself, don't you?" She ended her sentence with a chuckle.

"Well, maybe I do." Kelly laughed, the need to sleep completely vanishing. "So, to what do I owe this phone call?"

"Are you busy tomorrow?"

Kelly grinned. A smug grin. If only Carrie could see her right now, she'd be teasing the hell out of the country singer. "So you do miss me." She smiled. "Why? What's the agenda?"

"Nothing really." Carrie couldn't think of a better excuse as to why she wanted to meet Kelly the next day, and she couldn't just say that she wanted to get out of the house and seem rude. That would only contribute to the factor of her taking advantage of Kelly's kindness.

"Honey, if you're only doing this to avoid talking to Mike, then that's not right." Kelly facepalmed herself. Why did she have to be sensible right now.

"Hey it's not that." Carrie sighed. Kelly was right. She didn't want to be around her husband but not going home and staying at Kelly's for a few more days seems a bit wrong. "Ivey texted me earlier asking if you wanted to come by and see her shop. I mentioned your love for cupcakes and she said she'll be happy to show you tomorrow."

Fuck. "Oh of course, that'd be so cool!" Kelly felt like a twat for assuming earlier, she felt the need to apologize but found it really awkward to interject that into their conversation. "Thanks."

"Right, I'll pick you up at five-ish? The shop closes around six and Ivey wants to give you a grand tour and stuff." Carrie rambled on, earning a giggle from Kelly. "What, what's so funny?"

"Nothing." Kelly stifled a laugh. "I'll be waiting for you." She smiled, then shook her head, realizing that the other girl can't see her and she looks like a right idiot.

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"Shit shit shit." Once the call ended, she quickly dialed her best friend's number hoping she wouldn't be busy and her small crap of a lie would work. "Hey Ives, you busy tomorrow?" Releasing a sigh of relief, Carrie fell back on her bed, stating yet again a series of white lies. "I want to show Kelly your shop, she's been wanting to ever since I told her you own a bakery."


Carrie was brought out of her daydream when a knock came from her door.

"Hey Care, dinner's ready." Mike poked his head inside their bedroom. "I cooked your favorite." He smiled a nervous one, hoping his wife has the appetite to eat.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." She smiled but as opposed tp her husband, it was forced, but who can tell, right?

She stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash her face and wake her senses up. "Smells great in here."

Mike smiled, glad that it wasn't only him who'll be talking for the evening. "Only for you." He chuckled, helping Carrie sit on her chair. "I hope it tastes as great as it smells."

"Well, I'll be the judge of that." Carrie laughed. She was trying to engage in a normal conversation with her husband. It wasn't fair to him if she won't be making any effort when he's doing his best. She knew she was partly at fault, too.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday, babe." Mike looked directly into her eyes, the sincerity in his words was oozing out of his. "I promise to never pull something like that again, I'm so sorry."

Carrie gave him a half smile, "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy this delicious dinner."

"Of course." Mike smiled, finally taking a bite out of his plate. "So, what's the verdict?"

"Hmm." Carrie pretended to think hard before speaking again. "It's okay I guess." She chuckled when Mike frowned. "Okay fine, it's so good, I could this everyday."

"Really?" Mike grinned, glad that he was able to pull off a complete dinner without his wife's help and even more glad knowing his wife loved the dish he prepared.

"Don't go big headed on me now." She joked. Their laughs the most genuine they had in months, it's starting to feel normal again. "You want to watch movies until we fall asleep after?"

"I'd love to." Mike couldn't contain the happiness he felt. He was so happy his heart could explode.

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