The End is Where We Begin

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Kelly stared at Carrie's sleeping form, unbelievably so, she woke up first before the country singer. To some it may seem creepy, but she couldn't help but watch as Carrie peacefully slept.

It was only six in the morning, the Texan knew Carrie would be getting up soon and start preparing to leave for the tour, she didn't think she will, but she actually feels sad at the thought. They had been together for two days now, and after not seeing each other for a month and so, being together for a whole day doesn't seem enough.

She's still going to miss Carrie like crazy.

Carrie felt someone moving beside her instantly waking up her senses. "Planning your escape?" She mumbled, seeing the Texan quietly walking towards the bathroom.

Kelly laughed, turning back around to be greeted by Carrie's gorgeous face, bed head and all. "Nope." She walked back to the bed, and greeted Carrie with a peck on the lips. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Carrie grinned. "Where were you off to?"

"Was planning to make you breakfast in bed but you had to go ruin the surprise and wake up before I even get to the cooking part."

"Why would you inflict such pain on me?"

"Oi, I can cook alright." Kelly pouted.

"Whatever you say." Carrie teased, getting up from the bed. "I'm going to shower, then after we'll cook breakfast together. You can use the bathroom in the next room."

Kelly nodded and watched as Carrie disappeared in the en suite. Boy, is she going to really miss the cheeky Oklahoman.


"What time do you leave today?" Kelly asked, they decided to stay in the front room after breakfast, she was sitting sideways on the couch with Carrie in between her legs, head on her chest.

Carrie glanced at her watch. "In an hour." She sighed. She wasn't ready to leave the Texan just yet and tour across the country for months on end. She was excited about the tour of course, just not the leaving her new girlfriend back home part. "I'm really going to miss you."

"I know." Kelly teased, not wanting to bring the mood down. Ever since yesterday morning after Carrie left her house, she couldn't stop thinking about the question the Oklahoma native asked her and the more she thought about it the more it made sense in her head. "Don't worry I'm going to miss you too."

Carrie laughed, sitting up on the couch and faced Kelly instead. "How much?"

"So much."

Carrie grinned. "I'm so glad you're here with me right now." She mumbled, taking Kelly's hands in hers, playing with her fingers.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Kelly smiled, taking Carrie's chin and lifting it up so she could look in her eyes. "You promise to be good while you're away?"

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? I'll be living in a bus for months!" Carrie laughed.

"True." Kelly smiled, pulling Carrie closer to her. She still has questions in her mind about their relationship, first and foremost, it's fast-paced development. "Can I ask you question?"

"Ask away."

"Do you think we're moving too fast?" Kelly swallowed hard as she noticed the frown forming on Carrie's face. "I know I've asked you that a few times already but I just can't help but think about it more and more. I mean, you've been divorced for what, a week? Don't get me wrong, I'm so incredibly happy to be able to call you my girlfriend but, are you okay, like, with the moving on and stuff." Kelly rambled nervously. "I mean, we've only really known each other for a few months, and you already threw away a marriage to be with me. I know I said some things in Vegas but this is not what I expected to happen, I obviously avoided you -"

"Kell, would you shut up for a minute." Carrie giggled. "Things has been going wrong in my marriage way before I met you. Divorce was bound to happen eventually. I didn't throw away my marriage, it just wasn't worth any saving anymore and it just so happens that you," Carrie bit the inside of her cheek trying to think of a less cheesy way on professing her feelings for Kelly. "It just so happens that you were able to capture my heart in the middle of this whirlwind. So to answer your question, no, I don't think we're moving too fast."

Kelly couldn't hide the smirk forming on her face as Carrie explained further. "That's so cheesy, babe."

"Yep definitely the opposite of what I was going for." Carrie rolled her eyes.

"Can I ask another question?" When Kelly received a nod, she bit her bottom lip out of nervousness. "Does um, does Mike know?"

"No." Carrie sighed. "I tried to tell him, but he was so caught up in telling me that we can still find solutions to our problems and I wasn't having it."

"Oh." Kelly swallowed hard, dreading to ask another question. "Does anyone know?"

"Just you and me." Carrie sighed. "Look, we've only been official what, two days? I'm leaving before we even get to our third day anniversary, I'd rather spend the remaining time with you rather than talking to other people just to say we're together now. I've got more time for that, I can do that while I'm on tour during breaks, but right now I just want to spend time with you. Do you get me?"

Kelly nodded and chuckled lightly. "Third day anniversary? I didn't peg you to be the kind of partner who celebrates every little thing."

Carrie playfully rolled her eyes. "I will tell the people closest to my heart, we can even tell them together but that's for another time. We're still new at this, right?"

"Right." Kelly smiled. "I'm sorry I keep asking you these questions."

"No apologies needed, you know." Carrie chuckled, kissing Kelly on the cheek. "If you have any other thoughts messing in your mind, don't ever hesitate to tell me, especially if it's about us."

"And you say you're new at this." Kelly teased. "One last question though,"


"Does your offer about me coming on tour with you still stands?"

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