A Day Well Spent

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"I have to go." Carrie groaned, putting her phone away after reading a text from her manager.

"Right now?" Kelly was lying beside Carrie on her living room floor. They'd spent the rest of the night talking about everything but still it seemed like it wasn't enough.

"Yeah, it's almost 6, I have a meeting at 8." Carrie sighed. "I hate to leave right now but I have to."

"Can't you stay for a little longer? I've really missed you."

Carrie sat up, "I'm so sorry." She pulled Kelly up with her, giving the Texan a tight hug. "I've missed you too, but everyone's getting really busy for the tour and that includes me."

"The tour, you're leaving tomorrow."

Carrie's heart broke at the thought. "I know, I wish I would've done this sooner."

"I wish I didn't dodge your calls and texts." Kelly sighed. "I'm not done missing you yet and I'm going to miss you some more."

"Stop being cute." Carrie laughed. "You wanna come on tour with me?"


"I'm sorry, that was a crazy idea." Carrie laughed off her nervousness then stood up. "I'll call you."


Carrie nodded.

"Every chance you get?"

"Every chance I get."

"Can I see you tomorrow before you leave?" Kelly asked.

"Of course."

With much reluctance, Carrie managed to leave Kelly's place and go home, to get ready for her meeting.


"You look like shit." Ann laughed, studying Carrie's face. "What did you get up to?"

"Well thanks." Carrie rolled her eyes. "Haven't gotten any sleep, I'm so tired." She yawned, she sat down on the chair beside Ann as they waited for the other people to arrive. "Do I really have to be here?"

Ann gave Carrie a sympathetic smile, she knew the singer has been going through a lot the past few weeks. "I'm sorry, As much as I want you to rest as well, we need you here."

Carrie sighed and nodded, placing her arms on the table in front of her before burying her face in it. "Why aren't they here yet?"

"We're a few minutes early but I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"But how soon is soon?" Carrie whines, she propped her head up, then retrieved her phone from her purse. "I'm so tired, Ann, I just want to sleep."

"I know, and as soon as the meeting is over I'll bring you home." Ann smiled, trying her best to calm the singer down.

Carrie sighed, before deciding to text Kelly, at least she can talk to the Texan while they waited for the others to show up.

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