Behind These Walls

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The television was playing faintly in the background while the two singers chatted away in the living room. 

Kelly was glad that Carrie doesn't remember her confession at all, though she did admit about the kissing that took place between them.

"Okay, so now that that's over," Carrie let out a sigh of relief, standing up, and glancing at the clock on the wall just now noticing the time. "How about a tour of the house? There's really not much we can do around here, Mike and I usually just works out together when we can, we do have a pool though..."

Kelly laughed, watching Carrie continue to ramble as the taller girl guided her throughout the house. It was huge, and if her estimation is accurate, she'd say they've been walking around for half an hour now. "Not much we can do, huh, you guys have a huge ass entertainment room, that's like, every kids' fantasy!"

Carrie chuckled closing the door. "Yea, Mike thought it'd be cool to have one, especially since kids are bound to happen eventually." Carrie forced a smile at the mention of kids. "Anyway, this is Mike and I's bedroom, it's off limits."

"Why? You and the hubby hiding some kinky stuff there?"  The Texan teased.

"Maybe." Carrie noticed the door next to theirs was ajar and she felt her heart beating harder on her chest, she was just thankful that nothing can be seen from the slight space between the door and the wall. She didn't know if she could explain why there's a nursery in their house when she wasn't really pregnant nor trying for a baby. She quickly closed the door, continuously talking to distract Kelly.

"This is just a spare room. There's nothing in there yet, we haven't decided what to do with it, really." She explained.

Kelly nodded politely, noticing the sudden change in the country singer's mood, wondering if she had said something to upset Carrie.

"And this is a guest bedroom," Carrie opened the door, smiling at Kelly as she talked some more. "We have a few more but they all look the same."

"So you have a guest right now?" Kelly asked confused, noticing a few dirty clothes lying on the floor and the bed still not made. "Or is this how your guest bedrooms all look like?" She joked around, seeing Carrie's eyebrows furrow.

"What do you -" Carrie finally turned to see the room cluttered with some of Mike's stuff. "Oh I'm sorry." He cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "I can't believe you just saw that. Mike's​ been occupying that room for a few days now so excuse the mess, but anyway, I'm getting hungry, and Ellen gave me this vegan cookbook earlier this year, so I can totally cook for you."

"That'd be great, thanks!" Kelly smiled, following the other blonde down the stairs and into the kitchen. Some things about the Oklahoma native confuses her still and she didn't know whether to believe what gossip magazines are saying about her or not. She'll find out eventually though.

"Is it too late to ask if you have any other things planned to do today? Because I'm totally hogging your time but I don't want to get you into trouble. "

Kelly laughed knowing it was a little after four in the afternoon. "No worries." She was soon instructed to just sit on the bar stool while Carrie cooked. "If I wasn't here, I'd totally just be sleeping the day away anyway."

Carrie laughed, unsure of what to say next. Everybody knew how awkward she can be at times. Her mood was a bit better though, compared to the one she had been in earlier in the morning. Lately she had been getting more snippy with Mike, trying to push him away, the only reason being she couldn't take the look of hurt in his eyes every time a topic of a child comes about.

Kelly's attention turned to the water pouring out of the saucepan Carrie was holding under the kitchen faucet. "Carrie?" When the other girl didn't give her a response after calling her name for the third time, she stood up. "Hey, you alright?"
Carrie flinched at the sudden feeling of someone's hand on her arm, bringing her out of her trance. "Yea, sorry, I kinda zoned out there, didn't I?"

"You must be tired." Kelly nodded, taking the saucepan from her hands, setting it aside. "Come on, you don't have to cook, we can just order something." She smiled, now the one pulling Carrie out of the kitchen. "You can cook for me another time." She added when Carrie frowned.

Carrie gave in, sitting down on the couch they had previously occupied. "We can watch a movie while waiting for the food."

Kelly agreed, putting her phone back on her pocket after calling for a pizza delivery. "Sure, but nothing scary please."

"Or we can just watch FRIENDS reruns." Carrie suggested, turning the TV channel.

"Oh yes, I love FRIENDS!" Kelly exclaimed. "My backup singers, Jill and Kate, and I used to binge watch it."

"Used to?"

"Yea, they're not my backup singers anymore." Kelly smiled smally, remembering the reason why the duo left the band.

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that." Carrie frowned, remembering that Kate was the one who greeted them at Kelly's house when they went home drunk.

"No, it's fine." Kelly forced a smile before turning her attention to the TV screen, the canned laughs from the show  distracting them, settling into silence even after the deliver boy came after delivering the pizza.

"I'll go get us some drinks." Carrie stood up from the couch and went to the kitchen, grabbing two bottles of Smartwater before going back.

The pair continued to watch in silence, eliciting laughters here and there and occasionally biting on their slices of pizza until the box was empty.

Mike entered their house, the light in the living room was dimmed. He immediately saw his wife's blonde hair as she sat on the couch while FRIENDS played on the TV screen. "Hey, love." He walked over to the couch, planting a kiss on top of her head.

"Oh shit!" Kelly jumped up from the couch, making Carrie's head fall from her lap, waking the country singer.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were Carrie." Mike apologized again, leaving a confused, barely awake Carrie on the couch.

"Hey, no worries, I was just startled." Kelly held her arm out. "I'm Kelly by the way."

"Nice to meet you, miss Clarkson, I'm Mike."

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