All Alone In The Dark

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Sure, Mike can decline his teammates' requests to hang out but practice was inevitable. As much as he didn't want to leave his wife alone, he has to work.

Carrie stayed in bed for the rest of the morning, she didn't feel the need to eat anything for she wasn't hungry at all. Her mind keeps wandering back to the night with Kelly, she still was not sure about the exact events that took place that night. What makes her more nervous is the fact that the other singer had promised to give her a call but it's already been two weeks and she has not received even a single text.

Normally, Kelly would insist on bringing all her luggages inside her house but this time, when her brother beat her to getting all her stuff, she just gave him a smile and a mumbled thanks. She had been flying back and forth from LA to Nashville doing promos for her Greatest Hits album. Going straight to her room, she ignored her best friend calling her to sit down and eat first. Sleep is more important.

Deciding against her judgement, Carrie finally pressed the call button that she had been staring at for the past thirty minutes. Being sent to voicemail a few times didn't deter her any, instead, she just kept calling until someone finally picked up.

"Hello." Too sleepy to bother looking at the name on the screen, Kelly answered the phone, barely even awake yet. She had only been sleeping for at least an hour when her phone started ringing.

Carrie noted the thick drawl that came from the other line. "Hey, it's Carrie." She settled for that answer and waited for the other girl to reply.

Kelly pulled the phone from her ear and stared at the screen, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Hey." She tried again, sounding less grumpy from when she first picked up. "What's up?"

"Nothing really." Carrie felt awkward as she tried to come up for a good enough reason to tell the singer without seeming weird. She just really wanted to know all the details that happened from the CMAs night.  "Are you free today? I thought maybe we could hang out."

"That'd be great, I'd have to check with Jason though." The Texan answered, stifling another yawn. She didn't really have to check her schedule, she has a three-week break before they need to start gearing up for her tour the next year, she just wanted to give herself enough time to think this through. "Should we meet up somewhere or?"

"I know a Cafe downtown, I'll text you the address?"

"Oh yeah, sure. What time?" She wished Carrie would just tell her all the plans so she could go back to sleep already.

"Is ten okay?" Carrie asked coyly.

Kelly looked at the clock at the side table and almost wanted to scream. It was already fifteen minutes past nine. and she still wanted to sleep. "Okay." She answered nonetheless.

The second they hung up, Carrie immediately started getting ready. She didn't know why she was nervous, or why she was a tad bit excited but, she didn't care.

Kelly stomped her way towards the kitchen where she was met by Ashley. She didn't have enough time to get ready but at least she had showered.

"Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The stylist teased. "Breakfast?" She offered Kelly a plate.

"No thanks." The singer grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator before she slumped down on one of the dining chairs. "I'm meeting Carrie for brunch or something."

"And you're grumpy, why?"

"I'm not grumpy."

"Mhmm." Ashely kept her lips pursed. She didn't want to push Kelly's buttons​ for she was already having a bad week.

"I'm going to go." Kelly mumbled, taking her water with her. "I'll text you if I need help or something." She managed to chuckle before hugging her best friend goodbye.

"I'll be here lounging around." Ashley laughed.

Kelly drove to the address Carrie texted her. It wasn't that far from her house so she didn't have any trouble finding it at all. When she reached her destination, she quickly spotted the country singer's car parked so she parked hers beside it.

Carrie glanced back at the door when somebody opened it, smiling when she saw Kelly coming in. She waved at her and stood up from her seat and waited for Kelly to approach her.

Kelly let out a huge sigh when she saw Carrie's friendly front, she fastened her pace and walked to the booth almost at the back of the store where not many people can see. "Hey, sorry I'm late."

"Oh no you're fine, I'm actually just really early." She smiled, pulling Kelly in for a hug. "Are you ready to order?"

Kelly nodded. She didn't want her sour mood to spoil what could be a budding friendship with the country singer so, she faked another smile, it's not like she's not used to it yet. She had been doing it for past years of her career, and nobody seemed to noticed.

Carrie ordered first, asking Kelly ahead of time what she wanted deciding that it would be her treat since she had been the one to invite the other girl for brunch.

"You didn't have to do that." Kelly said walking back to their seats, taking the chair across the one Carrie was occupying when she arrived.

"Don't worry about it, you were probably busy and is just too nice to decline my invitation." Carrie smiled.

"I don't have that much going on." Kelly smiled and they began a small talk as they waited for their names to be called up by the barista.

Carrie watched smiling aa Kelly quickly dug into her blueberry cheesecake as soon as they sat down. She didn't want to embarrass the pop singer so she bit her tongue to stop herself from teasing her.

The pair continued to talk and get to know each other more and Kelly was now in a much better mood.

Carrie was still waiting for the perfect time to bring up their controversial night but as time went by, she just realized how inappropriate it would be to talk about it in such a public place. "Hey Kel," she waited until she had Kelly's attention before speaking again. "I really want to talk to you about something."

"What about?" Kelly was all ears. Carrie had been nothing but nice to her ever since the CMAs. She was the exact opposite of what the newspapers and magazines portrayed her to be.

Carrie hesitated for a moment before finally speaking again. "I think it's best if we talk somewhere private?"

"As long as you don't plan on murdering me, then I'm down." Kelly chuckled lightly. "My place wouldn't be good though, since I live with my brother and my best friend Ashley and they'd be there all day. Maybe we can go to yours?"

"Yeah of course, my husband wouldn't be home until dinner so it would just be me, you and the dogs." 

"Cool, then it's settled." They began to exit the cafe and made their way to their cars.

Carrie nodded and smiled. "You can just follow me."

Kelly laughed at the suggestion. "I mean, what else should we do?" She already knew Carrie's car so she didn't have any problem at all.

"See you in a bit."

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