Everyone Gets A Little Crazy in Vegas

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If she were sober, this definitely wouldn't have happened, but then again, she's drunk, even though it's not good of an excuse, when she's under the influence she does not think straight. After all, she's always been a horny drunk. Carrie lie a panting mess on top of Kelly, both covered in sweat despite the air conditioning in the room. "I am so drunk." She slurred. "And I like you a lot." She added, planting a lingering kiss on Kelly's lips. "I like you very much." She giggled.

"That's good then because I like you very much too." Kelly grinned, her state of drunkenness and exhaustion forcing her eyelids to close repeatedly. "I'm so spent."

"Oh I bet you are." Carrie smirked, gazing down at Kelly's face, brushing the other girl's hair softly away from her face. "Kiss me." She whispered.

Kelly obliged happily, both falling into a deep slumber minutes after.

Carrie was the first to wake up, her position not any different from the night before. Her legs were still resting between Kelly's, her head buried on the crook of her neck. A smile crept up on her face remembering last night's events. She should feel guilty right? She was sure she just cheated on her husband but surprisingly she doesn't care one bit. She planted her chin on Kelly's chest, watching the Texan in her sleep and she thought she'd never seen a sight more beautiful than what's in front of her right now, again bringing a smile to her face. This time, she couldn't help herself but plant short kisses on those lips that hung open slightly, emitting the soft snores coming from Kelly's mouth.

Kelly began to wake up, alarmed when she felt something heavy over her and kisses all over her face. She groaned, thinking she probably slept with someone from the bar last night and she didn't want to deal with that just yet so she pretended to be asleep still, hoping the one night stand would leave on her own.

Carrie knew the exact moment Kelly woke up, the Texan's body became tense as compared to the relaxed one she's been laying on all night, so she decided to push her limits a bit, wondering what will get the Texan to finally open her eyes.

"Holy shit."

"I knew that would do the trick." Carrie smirked proudly, withdrawing her fingers from Kelly's snatch. "Good morning." She greeted with a peck on the lips. "Did you sleep well?"

Kelly remained speechless, not sure if she was still asleep and only dreaming or if Carrie Underwood is actually on top of her, worshipping her body with kisses and is not slightly fazed by their nudity.

"Kell?" Carrie spoke again. "Are you okay?"

"Oh erm, yea fine, great." Kelly faked a smile. "So,"

"So you want to go hop in the shower? We have a long day ahead of us." Carrie sat up, but not before kissing Kelly on the lips one more time. "Come on, sleepyhead." She chuckled, pulling the Texan up with her.

Kelly followed Carrie, still confused about what's going on as they darted to the bathroom stark naked. Once inside the confines of the bathroom, Kelly got the courage to speak again. "Care?"

"Hmm?" Carrie hummed, pushing her against the bathroom door just as it closed, planting her lips roughly against Kelly's and smiling once she felt her finally responding to her kisses. "These are the softest lips I have ever kissed." She mumbled.

And just like that, all thoughts from her head flew out of the window only to be consumed by Carrie's lips kissing her, Carrie's hands roaming all over her body, Carrie's leg slipping between her own and Carrie's body grinding into hers.

Kelly had been quiet all throughout the day and Carrie couldn't help but notice it. "You okay there, Kell?" She asked, finished packing her suitcase and throwing herself down on the other girl's bed.

Kelly was so deep in her thoughts she couldn't hear anything around her except for different scenarios running in her mind. What happens between them once they get back home? Wouldn't it be awkward? Is Carrie going to divorce mike and be with her instead? Is this some kind of an experiment?

"Kell?" Carrie frowned, she wasn't used to the Texan being awfully quiet, normally Kelly would be rambling on about stuff that interests her. "Babe?"

"Hmm?" Kelly finally looked up, her clothes were still a mess on the floor but her suitcase was already full. How she manages to always do that every time she goes on a trip is beyond her. It always seems like she's taking home more than half of what she brought, mind you she didn't even buy anything during this trip.

"Are you okay?" Carrie almost chuckled, seeing all the clutter around Kelly on the floor which is typical of the Texan. "Do you need help with that?"

"No I'm okay." Kelly forced a smile, for some reason she didn't want Carrie getting any closer to her. This silly little crush she has for the Oklahoma native sure as hell has taken a bit too far.

Carrie rolled her eyes, not satisfied with the answer she got. She was sure something was bothering Kelly, she might have a clue what but she's not brave enough to bring it up. "Let me rephrase that, I'm gonna help you do that." She got up from the bed and sat beside her.

"Alright well, pack your heart away." Kelly stood up, watching Carrie take out everything in her suitcase with repeated clicks of the tongue. "I'm gonna get something to drink." She sighed, their close proximity bothered her, her thoughts confusing her more. What in the hell is happening? Her thoughts, once again, was interrupted by the blonde beauty wrapping her arms around her from behind and feeling her plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Tell me what's wrong." Carrie whispered.

"What is this?" Kelly squirmed out of her grasp. "What are you doing? What are we doing?" She stood as far away from Carrie as she could. "Because as far as I remember when this first happened, you almost went mental on me. So what is this?"

"Erm, I -" Carrie swallowed hard, so she was right. That's what's bothering Kelly.

"What did you just need to get off? Was Mike not satisfying you enough? Why did you even bring me here? Am I just an experiment to you? A notch on your fucking bedpost?" She didn't know why but she got so worked up about it.

Carrie's heart broke at the sight in front of her. Kelly was red in the face, tears brimming on her eyes. "No, that's not it." She tried to come closer but Kelly backed off. "I didn't bring you here for that at all. I just, I don't know how to explain it but I-" Carrie was interrupted by her phone ringing. "I'm sorry, it's Mike I need to-"

"Of course you do." Kelly laughed sarcastically. "I'm going to finish packing so we can jet off. I can't wait to get home." Kelly continued to mumble as she walked back to her bedroom, making sure to lock her door so Carrie wouldn't be able to enter her room without permission as she usually does.

She liked Carrie, she still does, but this isn't what she wants. Carrie is married to Mike, a very nice guy who she's build a good friendly relationship with. She's not one to break people's trusts over some silly affair that would most likely not end up good. She still doesn't know how to keep her feelings for the country singer in check but one thing's for sure, this would be the last time she might be seeing Carrie for a long time.

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