Underneath the Mistletoe

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"Underwood, there you are!" Brad shouted, spotting his friend standing by the doorway. "Come sing with us!" He motioned with his hand.

Carrie playfully rolled her eyes, walking over to her friends, shivering slightly as the wind blew, the crowd of people starting another song.

"Why in the hell would you wear something like this in this weather?" Kelly whispered, feeling Carrie shudder beside her. She unbuttoned her coat, tutting in the process. "You trying to impress someone with those abs?" She joked.

Carrie laughed. "I'm fine, really." She said, smiling when Kelly still insisted on putting her coat on her. "You'll be the one who'll get cold now." She frowned, looking at the hazel eyes that seem to sparkle more from the light emitted by the fire, captivating her senses once again.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Kelly smirked. "I'm sorry I'm late. Got stuck in meetings all day." She whispered.

"I was wondering why you're looking so exhausted."

"Are you calling me ugly?" Kelly joked. "That's not very nice." She pouted.

"No, no." Carrie's brows furrowed, looking at the other blonde again. "You look really beautiful tonight, it's just your eyes look tired."

"Mhmm." Kelly chuckled. "Sure."

"I'm serious." Carrie insisted, she didn't know why she felt the need to constantly reassure Kelly about her looks, but she always does. "You look perfect babe."

"Says the one with the abs." Kelly laughed.

"You need to learn how to take a compliment." Carrie smiled. "You look perfect, and not just tonight."

Kelly felt her cheeks redden at the words coming out of the girl's mouth. "Thanks, I guess."

"No need to thank me." Carrie pulled the girl into a sideways hug. "Come on, let's go inside. It's freezing out here."

Kelly just nodded, following Carrie in a trance. Her thoughts still wired around the weird feelings she gets around the country singer. Sure she knows she has a slight crush on the other woman, buy there was something in her that says it's more than just a silly crush.

"Have you eaten?" Carrie asked, placing different kinds of food in a plate. "What drink do you want?" She placed the plate in front of Kelly who was sitting on the stool.

"I'm fine Care, not really hungry." Kelly smiled.

"And how are you not really hungry? What did you eat?"

"Um, um-"

"Well um um doesn't count as food. Now go on, tuck in. I'll get you some water or did you want anything?" Carrie asked.

"Water's alright, thanks." Kelly sighed happily, thankful for the friend she found in Carrie. She still wasn't on speaking terms with Ashley when their argument took place the morning after Carrie spent the night in her house, so having a friend by her side gave her a sense of relief. The only downside was that her feelings for the other woman might bot be solely focused on their friendship.

"So," Carrie came back with a bottle of water and two cupcakes in hand. "You wanna tell me who you got for the exchange gift?"

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