A Narusaku Fanfic ch 2

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It had been 2 years since the incident. And things between his parents and him had changed. Since that day, they never let him sleep alone. And they went out of their way to make him feel loved. They were scared that day and had promised to correct their mistake. And they were really sorry for how they had behaved with him. He had of course forgiven them. But his sisters were still a different story. While his elder sister didn't pay him any mind and his younger sister didn't approve of him as her brother, they tried to look out for him, as they were scared at how the villagers behaved with him sometimes. And they too were teased and the sister of a disgrace. This angered them but they controlled. After all it was not his choice that he was like this.
And so it happened one day, naruto was looking at the beautiful girl with pink hair from behind his classroom. He had developed a crush on her because of her beauty. Some boys saw it and smiled deviously. One of them an uchiha spoke up, "hey look the disgrace is looking at sakura". Everyone turned at this, even her. Everyone started making fun of her and she teared up. "Why did you look at me?" She asked, "what have I ever done to you? Now how will I ever get through this insult of being looked at by someone who is a disgrace to his family." She said and ran away. It broke his heart. What had he done to deserve this? But was it all over yet? No. Narumi went to defend her brother but got teased as well, and some were quiet harsh ones that bought tears to her eyes. Naruto was angry, they could hurt him all they wanted, but his family was not to be bothered and also that girl he liked.
"Stop this or you all will pay" he shouted. Everyone burst laughing. "Look who's talking".
Narumi had enough of this.
"How will you make them pay?", She shouted back, " do you even have the power to kick, to punch, you are what they say you are, a disgrace to our family. Why don't you just go away. Mom and dad can be happy for ones at least. Don't you care about us? Tell me ruto, what have we done to bear this everyday. Just because you are our brother, we have to listen to this everyday. So just do us a favor and leave." Narumi finished. All her pent up anger and sadness she spilt. Only later did she realized what she had said.
"I am sorry, but don't worry I will go and I won't return until I can make you proud of me. I will return more powerful than all of you put together, and you will not be insulted because of me. That is a Promise. To you as well sakura Chan" naruto proclaimed. He was crying, but there was determination in them, his heart was broken, his world had been shattered. But he had a lot of work to do. He had to prove the villagers that he was not a disgrace, and for once he had to protect everyone in his family. He dashed out of class room, and didn't return. Narumi told everything to naraki on their way home and she told her to calm down and that he would surely be home.
They reached home and did not find him. But they didn't tell their mother about it. They didn't want her to worry.
It was time for dinner and naruto had not yet come. Now narumi was scared. She could not keep it from her mother anymore, what if something happened to her brother, she would never be able to forgive herself.
And so she told her mother everything that happened. Her mother was shocked, and angry at her. She wasted no time in informing minato. Minato left with his anbu to look for their son. Leaving the females to wait. After what seemed like hours he arrived. He had a very disolate look. Kushina was crying. As soon as she felt his chackra she shot up, grabbed him by the collar and enquired of her son. He was not meeting her sight. But an ANBU from behind presented them with a bloodied jacket that naruto wore that morning. It took some time for them to register and when it did, the mother fell to the floor, holding the last of her child In her arms. Crying uncontrollably. Narumi too broke down. It was completely her fault that her brother had died. "He... He was killed by a hollow...It seems" minato managed between sobs. " My baby boy is gone minato what will I do now." Kushina asked, tears rained down her eyes. She couldn't order them to stop. She did not want them to. How could she, a part of her world had just been destroyed.
That incident broke the family, as they blamed themselves for the loss of the youngest member.

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