ch 21

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"Come on guys, don't tell me you are still as weak as you used to be!" Sasuke mocked.
The team lead by kakashi that had been after him were panting from exhaustion.
'Damn he is good.' kakashi thought.
"Sasuke... We don't want to hurt you."
Sasuke spat on the floor hearing that. "You don't want to hurt me!" He repeated, angered. "As if you could."
He raised his sword at narumi, "now I will finish you and even the kyubi won't be able to stop me." He announced.
'Does he think he is so powerful that he will move and we won't even be able to stop.' naraki thought.
Much to her surprise, none of them could move. She couldn't understand why. Yes they were wounded but not to the point of being immobile.

Kakashi and naraki watched helpless as sasuke advanced towards narumi, his sword glittering with the lightning chakra, and narumi watched as well. Even the kyubi had been prevented from intervening.
Sasuke smirked.

In a flash of yellow and the blink of an eye, sasuke was stopped. His sword being held with bare hands.
"I still didn't pay you back for the hole in her chest couple of years ago sasuke." He said. Angry but calm.
Sasuke was shocked. 'How could he!!'
But before he could think more on it he jumped back distancing himself from the newcomer. His ninja instincts kicking in.

But it had been too late.

Sasuke fell to his knees his gut bleeding.
'when did he?'
"Why the surprised look? Are you still wondering when I cut you? Well, is it so unbelievable to you that your mind didn't even register the body being sliced open?" Naruto mocked.
Surprised! Everyone was surprised! None had even seen him move his sword, even the sharingan couldn't follow. Was he that fast! Was he that good! When he wanted to be!....
No one could say.

"Ah, if it's not you again." Orochimaru greeted. Appearing behind sasuke.
"So you are still alive huh! Kind of thought you would be."
"Well, isn't that good? We are both above these weak morons and we can have fun!"
Naruto disappeared and reappeared in the blink of an eye. Orochimaru was on his knees as well.
"Don't club me with yourself. I am more powerful than you can ever be!"
Orochimaru coughed blood.
The konoha ninja couldn't react. This was unseen and unheard of. One man defeating two high level rouge nins with in a matter of seconds.
The shock and anger caused sasuke to shout in pain, exasperated.
He was angry that even after 2 years he was nowhere near the so called dead last.

"Well, now let's finish you and end the story here."
But they disappeared, reverse summoned, saving themselves.

"One of you form and complete sentence and tell me what you want to... You guys are confusing me."
"We just want to how you did that..." Kakashi said after some time, gathering his thoughts.
"Did what?"
"That.... The cut and the speed."
"Oh... That... Years of practice!"
"Don't give me that bullshit."
"Mind your language kakashi they are just kids."
Kakashi gave kushina a weird look but didn't say anything... He didn't want to infuriate her, especially when she was in such a good mood.

"Well, so one mission done and the other failed huh?" Minato asked.
"Who cares about that, dad you should have seen Naruto, the was he cut that sasuke and orochimaru and later mom told about his fight with the akatsuki."
"He did what?"
"He took deidara down." Kushina replied.
Minato looked at Naruto with pride, but Naruto looked away, embarrassed, "leave me let's pay a visit to narumi and sakura."
"They are fine... And none of you will visit them now as they need to rest."
An agonized scream was heard after a comment 'damn old baa-chan'.

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