A Narusaku fanfic ch 13

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" Is minato kun mocking me" a woman complained as the paper she was holding crumpled in her hands.
"To think he would send a genin team. What is he thinking, if he didn't want to he should have just said so, and that too he sends that over-enthuciastic wife of his, I still don't understand what he saw in her, and I will have to bear her and and children for this whole time."
"My lady, please calm down, they don't have much strength either, they too were invaded recently."
"Then he could have just denied the request rather than this."
"But my lady..."
"How are you maiden" they heard someone shout.
'oh I will love killing her' mei thought.
"Doing fine tomato" she replied.
Everyone in around sweatdropped. 'these are supposed to be strong ninjas' everyone thought.
The team met with their client. Kakashi nodded to the guy who had bandages wrapped around his face.
"Knew that body was a fake one. Good thinking to run with the blast."
"Hmm.. saw through it huh... You do live up to your name."
"So how is minato kun  doing"
"He is way better than you think... He has a very beautiful and responsible wife to support him after all. Besides you should know that he is not interested in anyone other than his wife."
"Oh I will surely keep that in mind. But still it's kinda disappointing to see him send such...."
"Quit yappin lady and show me where to play... Mom told me we were going to a big playground with many to play with." Everyone turned to naruto with weird looks. "She certainly didn't​say playground" sakura whispered but it was loud enough for those around her to listen and nod. Me was impressed by the hungry look the minato look alike was giving her.
"Such a handsome boy" she began ignoring the previous disrespect.
'is she hitting on him' was a common thought.
"I am really sorry to disappoint you but I am not into older women, but show me the playground I want to play, its been so long since I played." The hungry look remained.
"You think you have come here to play. This isn't a game kid, people are fighting for a better future for their children." Mei said, she was serious, gone were her irresponsible antics. "You better understand that." She turned to kushina, "I guess you and kakashi are the only ones fighting."
"Oh no, the whole team is gonna participate. This is the strongest team that konoha has put together for this purpose. Although they are new to this and inexperienced, they will participate, to know and understand what is at stake for a ninja. Besides, naraki here is a chunin and narumi has been training with her parents and her elder sister for quiet sometime now. Sakura is good at the basic medical jutsu and can provide the first aid very well."
"Well, what about the brat." Zabuza asked. But the excited mother quitened and gloom fell on the whole team. "He is powerful but we never trained him." Kushina managed. There was a silence. "I am powerful enough to take on a whole battalion on my own." Naruto broke the silence, but he was calm, he was looking down. "You can trust on my strength as you trust your ninja." He finished.
"Well, if you say so, why don't you aid us then. We are currently in a standstill at the northern Outpost up ahead, it was in our control until the kage forced into it. We lost a considerable amount of shinobis. If you truly are as powerful as you claim to be, then we should be able to retake that post." Mei said she was looking at the young boy. She knew that asking to kill so many at this age was not right but she couldn't do anything her hands were tied, this war they had to win and if the boy was claiming that he could do something she would use him to do it.
"It's not alright, you are not going to do it, you are too young for this, you could hurt yourself,"
"It's alright mom, you don't have to worry, I won't hurt myself, this will be over in an instant." They ​looked at the back of naruto, his cloak seemed to be floating in the air. He pulled out his black sword. "Take me there." He ordered zabuza. He nodded, and started walking. No one could say anything, those words were determined one and the voice held power equal that of a shinobi ready to go to the extreme for protection of his loved ones. "We should try providing him support." Sakura said, as she started following him, "yeah".
"What is the status,"
"Not good sir, the kage has brought out his most powerful army, we can't even tell if they are humans. The are so strong."
"Alright, reinforcement just arrived, we are gonna try our best."
"Alright sir."
"How bad is it zabuza,"
"Very bad my lady."
"The kage is using everything he has."
"Don't worry, "
"You focus naruto, we will be behind you if you get hurt we will support you." Narumi said.
"Just don't get in my way".
"Alright ladies, out of the way," naruto shouted to the shinobis ahead of him. The group behind him snorted. They approached the battle field, all were on the edge, the enemy could come anytime. " Listen people, we are going to retake our post and hold it " mei  announced. Her followers cheered.
"This is gonna be so much fun, black let's make the most of it." Naruto said under his breath. They saw the enemy line pushing the resistance line behind, and naruto charged.

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