A Narusaku fanfic ch 12

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The team was waiting for their new members.
"They are late, I never thought someone could be more late than kakashi sensei."
"Thank you for the compliment sakura."
"She wasn't complimenting"
"Oh, mom is coming, see, and why is she acting so childish again..."
"Look ruto is with her.... Beats me who is the elder of the two, both behave in the same way."
"Hey, they are your family... "
"Well ours is the most animated family anyway."
"Stop they are near..."
"Oyo Kashi kid" kushina greeted, the three remaining members looked at the grumbling kakashi.
"We beat your record of coming late" she announced with pride.
"Mom, what are you doing here," narumi asked.
"They are our new members." Kakashi replied.
"So that is why Lord hokage told ours is going to be a very strong team" sakura inferred.
"Anyway, since we already know lady kushina, naruto will be the only one giving his intro."
"Huh... My intro is none of your business, you all know me already." Naruto said.
"Oh well,.... In any case we will begin our first mission tomorrow," kakashi said, he looked at kushina to continue.
"Since ours is the only squad, that is so big, we are the frontliners, we will be doing all the dangerous missions that otherwise an ANBU would be doing. I am replacing kakashi as the team leader, he is the vice, we may still be open to new members, but as of yet, we are this number. Our mission are going to be on the level where we can face the akatsuki so the weak ones on the team will need to become strong. Our missions will be rare, but we will be getting paid on a regular basis, the amount a regular ninja gets, and our mission pay is going to be super awesome. You may be asked to do mission with other team, so you have to be independent while capable of working with others. You may even be assigned sub missions, in a group of 2 or 3. But anyways...." Kushina finished. "Wow mom, never knew you could give that big speech without getting too excited" naraki grumbled.
"Did you say​something aki chan"
"Huh... No... Why..."
"Okay, as per our mission, we start tomorrow, get packed for sometime, we are going to help the rebles in the hidden mist to win the civil war, it seems their kage is getting help from Rock. Since they denied to step back, we are going to enter. Since ours is the strongest team now, we are being sent first, after that other teams will come. Meet at the gates tomorrow.... And let's go to the ichiraku" she announced overjoyed.
"Really beats me if she is a child or our mother." Narumi whispered to naraki.... As they saw their brother and mother childishly talking about ramen and jumping.
"At least she is more energetic than our sensei here."Sakura said.
"I would like to take that as a compliment"

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