Ch 15

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"What is taking you so long yagura?" A man from the dark asked.
"All this should have been over by now if not for that new team of konoha that joined the battle."
"What do you mean? Why would konoha join in a civil war in your country?"
"Apparently that leader of resistance asked for some favor from the hokage and he was willing to help."
" what of it?"
"Well that team is too strong. Yesterday I would have annihilated them, wiping the floor with their blood, but just one member of the team was enough for our overwhelming forces. And even more shameful is that he is just a kid, 14 years or so."
"Are you out of your mind?" The masked man shouted. "No kid can do something like that, unless he is a jinchuriki, and the last time I checked it was a girl and not a boy."
"And from what I heard it was surely a boy no girl. He was extremely good with his sword, and could throw his power around calling some weird name."
"Hmm.... But I don't want any further delay. Do what you must and finish this up fast. And while at it kill that boy. I don't want any future hinderences. We already are behind our schedule. Am I understood?"
"Yes my Lord."
"Good." The man disappeared into the darkness, as yagura prepared for the finale.
"Things have changed." Mei addressed the small group in the make shift council room. "It seems that the kage is preparing to put an end to this all."
"The word is that he will be leading his forces in the next battle." Zabuza put in.
"It will be the last, either for us or for him." Mei considered her most trusted squad leaders, "we win in the next fight." She announced. Everyone held that same determination that she had. Finally, the struggle that went on for years would come to an end now.
"We should prepare. Let's show them who we are."
Everyone cheered. They left the room, each going to address his or her platoon.
"Will konoha help?"
"I can't ask them to, if they want to they will. Their mission was to help us retake our post, they have done that. The rest is up to them."
"It would be so helpful if they did."
"Let's just hope."
"What should we do?" Kakashi asked kushina. They were presently in naruto's room, "they are going to a final battle."
"Our mission is over." Naraki pointed out. "If we indulge further, it can raise some eyebrows."
"That is if that kage wins." Narumi said.
"Don't forget that he is a jinchuriki, umi." Kushina reminded her.
"So should we leave " sakura asked. She was scared of this to tell the truth. She had just seen so many people die, and her teammate brush past death, she just wanted to go back now.
"We can't leave them like this, they need our help." Naruto said.
"We will be politically involved after this." Kakashi said.
"On the brighter side we can get them indebted to us." Naruto said logically.
"You can't let your emotions get the better of you." Kakashi advised.
"I am not."
"I think we should see it to the end." Kushina said, "we are already involved politically now. It can't be helped."
"As you wish my lady." Kakashi bowed.
Kushina looked at sakura, "you should stay back, you are not ready for this."
"No, my lady, I can't do that even if I am scared because my team will be going." She boldly replied, swallowing her fear. Everyone admired her resolve.
"It is decided then, we will help them, and naruto you will not leave my sight, that goes for all of you. We will be functioning as a single unit."
"Yosh" naruto shouted, "I will be having fun again." He was so excited.
Kushina sighed, as others smiled nervously.
"Mei, we have decided to help you."
Mei looked up from her work, surprised.
"Uh... Are you sure?"
"Yes, and I request that my team be with me only under my command."
Mei walked up to her taking her hands. "Thank you so much, lady kushina. We shall ever be indebted to you. You may do as you please. Thank you so much."
Kushina smiled. "Thank us after you are the kage." She patted her on the shoulder and turned to leave, "call us when you are leaving. We will be with naruto."
She left, a highly grateful Mei, who suddenly left to inform her people of the recent developments.
They were sure to win now.

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