ch 19

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"Can't believe 3 years passed so fast."
"Well you guys can't but let me tell you, mom and dad missed you a lot more than I did. I can't even put in words how much they missed you."
"Hey, you make it sound like we didn't miss you at all!" Narumi complained.
"All that aside, have you asked her out yet." Naraki asked poking her little brother.
Naruto turned bright red.
"O.... The blush." Narumi teased.
"Shut it... I didn't do anything... "
"Why are you getting so worked up? Besides, I just met her, if you don't ask her when you have the chance, don't come complaining when she says yes to someone else."
"Ya even I saw how beautiful she has grown to be... Probably as beautiful as me..."
"She is more beautiful than you can ever be." Naruto declared.
His sisters looked at each other.
They just had their fox where they wanted him.
"What did you say?" Narumi asked faking her anger.
"I just said... Hey stop it..." Naruto replied getting irritated.
"O you are such a cute baby brother." Naraki complimented pulling his chicks.
Naruto was really iritated, his sisters were playing with him and he couldn't do anything but give into them.
"Stop teasing my baby or I will sell some of your secrets to him." Kushina shouted from the kitchen.
"Mommy... That's not fair." Narumi complained.

"Hey Dad, can't you give us a mission now, both umi Chan and aki nii are back and so is jiji."
"Ya naruto, I will give you a mission but just wait a little longer."
"It's getting boring with doing nothing but some C ranks."
"I understand naruto, but just a little longer. I am going to pull back the squad looking for orochimaru's base, one of them. They didn't find any so I called them back. When they report back I will assign your team that mission."
"Oh, great, thanks Dad."
"That really is not needed naruto, I am your father...."
"You are also a close friend of mine..."
"That surely deserves a Thank you.."
They shared a hearty laugh. Naruto left and minato busied himself in his paperwork.

"We just received a message that suna was attacked by akatsuki, they have taken the kazekage hostage. I am assigning you to go and help them."
Minato announced.
"Yes sir." Kushina replied.

"I thought they would be sending the full team." A worried temari asked.
"Sensei, nee chan and umi Chan were given another mission, but don't worry... I am more than enough for this mission." Naruto claimed proudly.
"Don't get ahead of yourself naruto, we don't know how powerful akatsuki is." Kushina berated her son.
"Alright let's start." Sakura said, excited.

"Kakashi, I hope you understand your mission."
"Yes sensei."
"Just look for the base don't go to engage if you find out, inform me and wait for the others to join."
"Yes sir."
"Good, get your team ready to leave by sunrise tomorrow."

"Must be hard for you now."
"Yeah... I sent my family out on two missions both being dangerous.... I don't know how I do somethings."
"Don't worry minato, they will be fine."
"Hopefully... Sensei, anything else on akatsuki..."
"None yet... I didn't even get where they are taking gaara."
Minato sighed...
He lived in the constant fear that someday it could be his own daughters.
"Just relax... They will be alright... I don't really think naruto will let anything happen to them.... Besides they have become more powerful than they were."
"Thank you sensei." Minato said smiling.

The group of four reached suna in 2 days time. Sakura being informed of kankuro's poisoning immediately set to work, as kushina went on to talk to the jonins to find out what happened leaving naruto behind to admire the grace and concentration Sakura worked with.

"The poison has been removed." Sakura breathed a sigh in relief. 12 hours of constant diagnosis and she had finally succeeded.

As kankuro came around, temari thanked Sakura gratefully. Sakura blushed and humbly passed it away saying she was doing her duty.

Even a full day of rest was not enough for her tired body, and sakura had to push herself up, as her team leader commanded for them to move and start looking for gaara, the kazekage and the jinchuriki.

The team from konoha started their search for the kage. Kushina trying sense his chackra.
"I can't sense his chackra... He is far away or being blocked." Kushina said frustrated.
"Now what?" Sakura asked.
"Wait... I can pick up signatures... Yes..." And kushina went in a fit of understanding what might have happened in the area they were in. "There was a fight. One is kankuro, the other might be the akatsuki. Yes, here one stops, but the other continues... Alright follow me."
She shoots off from the desert.
"Can't she slow down, I want to conserve my energy until we reach a place with water..." Naruto complained as he followed behind his mother and sakura.

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