A Narusaku fanfic ch 7

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Kushina ran to he son, she searched for his pulse fanatically. She didn't want to lose him again, after so many years. She cried for him to wake. His family gathered behind her, they were all worried. The girls could not hold their emotions. But the father yet had to be strong for them, he could not cry even if he wanted to. Kushina wailed for her son to open his eyes. Tsunade was already working on him. But the kusanagi blade had done a great damage. Blood spilled from his guts, his lungs were punchered and few ribs were broken. He had gone head to head with the most powerful of shinobis, so this was to be expected.
The jonins and anbu that later arrived brought strecher to transport him.  Minato used his flying raijin to transport him to the hospital gates where shizune guided them to the room that was prepared for emergency.
Many were wounded and probably dead. But at that moment minato could care less about them. Yes he allowed himself to be selfish on this occasion and focus all his heart and mind on his son. He paced around, in the corridor. Kushina kept praying, as narumi, naraki, sasuke and sakura just waited for the medics to give a positive reply. They were all on the edge. Sakura tried to console her teammates as they cried for their brother. But she too was failing miserably. No wonder, she had waited so long to apologize to him and accept him, that she could not see him like this. Sasuke on the other hand was very angry, though he tried to hide it.
'How come the powerless piece of trash become so powerful. It is not even possible, he didn't have any chackra and the way he fought wasn't based on chackra, then how?' were his only thoughts. He was angry that his only source of gaining power to beat his brother had been taken away from him. It was no new thing to know that he hated his brother with passion. That man had managed to defend himself against someone so powerful that had killed all the uchihas and even take him down. Yes he had left the village after that for some long term mission. But sasuke couldn't stand to remain on his shadow. He wanted to beat him down and show the world who was the better one. He wanted to be the most powerful shinobi alive. Because he was an uchiha and uchihas were THE most powerful. And for that he didn't need love and friendship. Those would hold him back. So he hated his brother, 'and now the list will have you in it on the top... If you live that is'. He smiled darkly. Kakashi noted that evil smile gracing him and sighed. 'this boy has gone down the worst path any shinobi could take. Itachi what will you do now, I don't think he can be saved' kakashi thought. Sasuke got up and left, it was not as if they were friends that he had to wait. For all he cared naruto would be better of dead. And friend was the last thing he needed​ now. He needed Itachi's eyes to take him to the next level, for he had already achieved the mangikyo when he slit his neighbors​ throat 1 month ago and no one found out who did it. ' My source of gaining power is now gone done, you better pray that you don't wake up, cuz you are not gonna like it when you do'. He laughed madly as he walked through the alley of his house.
After four hours of hard labor, Tsunade came out, drained and tired. Minato and kushina looked up expectantly, his sisters were just as egear and so were the others. "He will live " she announced, as everyone visibly relaxed, minato hugged kushina tightly, and the girls cheered. "But he will not be waking up anytime soon, I will ask jiraya to put a seal on the cursed mark" even Tsunade was happy, she missed herself being called granny, by the boy. "Thank you so much all of you, I am really grateful to you all" kushina thanked the doctors and nurses with teary eyes, " it's no problem really my lady, " they said. "You can visit him, but he is not awake," Tsunade said. The mother rushed in followed by the sisters and sakura. But minato just looked at his family from outside, "you don't really have to act tough all the time kid. Everyone needs to loosen up" jiraya said looking at the direction minato was looking. "I guess you are right sensei," he said as he wiped the tear drop that fell from his eyes. They too went in to see the boy they missed so much.

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