A Narusaku fanfic ch 6

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After the flashy entrance, everyone had expected something really good when he cried out but nothing so flashy happened. Shukaku grunted, 'maybe I was over estimating him'. Tobirama was, on the other hand, very careful. You cannot take a guy who blasted the god of shinobi to bits in merely seconds lightly. Minato was eyeing orochimaru for any movement, but he was observing naruto, too intently to his liking. Naruto looked back at his mother and gave her his sweet innocent smile before turning his gaze back at his opponents. Narumi took this time of distraction to knock Gaara awake, shukaku gave a desperate cry as he sunk back into Gaara. He fell down exhausted, and was suddenly wrapped by chains by naraki to keep him in place. But he too was intrigued by the boy that seemed so powerful. He could understand that he was more powerful than him. He had to Know the reason, he had to be more powerful than him. "You are just a child, how will you defeat me." Tobirama asked. "I don't know how but now you are a threat to those whom I love and would not hesitate to give my life for. They were there for me when I needed them, yes not in the perfect way, but none of us are perfect. It was because of my sisters that I have reached this place today. So no matter what I have to do, I will beat both of you. And that is a promise." Naruto replied, his eyes burning with determination. His mother and his sisters burst in tears at hearing this, his father had a hard time controlling himself. Sasuke just looked at him, not sure whether to hate him or respect him. Sakura could only look at him in administration. 'will he forgive me' she thought.
Both naruto and tobirama disappeared and appeared in the sky clashing their respective weapons.
"This should be interesting" orochimaru commented. But he prepared to give his seal. 'naruto kun will make a nice vessel' he thought.
Tobirama pushed him down to where orochimaru was. He fell creating a huge crater. The dust cloud acted as the best distraction as orochimaru planted his cursed seal on him. A pained cry shook the sky, and when dust settled they could see naruto fighting tobirama and orochimaru.
"Nake BENEHIME" a surge of red energy blasted of the sword cutting through the ground and hitting orochimaru. The red energy cut his arm. He howled in pain. Minato appeared behind him. His rasengan spinning madly, as he shoved it in him. He was sent into the forest.
"Kamisori BENEHIME" Naruto shouted as another red blast went to attack tobirama. He dodged it, but naruto was on to him already. "GETSUGA TENSHO" tobirama nearly escaped, but a side of him was missing. It started reforming, and everyone was shocked.
Suddenly he was caught in a red net, " you will need more than this child"
"Chibari BENEHIME" naruto said ignoring him. The pain in his neck was overwhelming, he had to finish it fast. "Hiasobi BENEHIME: jujutsunagi" he said as a series of burning balls went up through the net. A huge blast blowed tobirama to pieces, destroying the seal and releasing him.
Jiraya and Tsunade seeing the huge blast made for the location.
Just when they thought that the fight was over a head shot up to the sky. The kusanagi blade coming out of the mouth of orochimaru, made it's way for narumi, it was very fast, and in spilt seconds, minato pulled narumi away, but not before naruto had jumped in between taking the sword in him.
"It's really good that you missed the heart" he said as he spit blood. Orochimaru was surprised by the boys agility and strength. " But your time has come".
Jiraya and Tsunade made it to the clearing and were shocked by the sight that greeted them.
The curse mark on naruto put more stress as his vision began to blurr. In swift motion he placed his sword in front of him.
"Kamishi minoyari..... shinso" he calmly said, as the sword extended at lightning speed, piercing through the head of orochimaru, killing him.
A smile graced naruto's face, as his sword retreated, the kusanagi disappeared and he finally fell in blissful unconciousness.

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