A Narusaku fanfic ch 11

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"So naruto, today you have been called here for a very important reason." Minato said.
Naruto yawned. He was pissed at his father for this meeting. He didn't even get proper sleep. He was forcefully woken up and pushed out of the house at such an early hour on a day when thought he would sleep until late in the morning. It was so early, that even the sun was rising now. Minato was trying too hard to control his yawn, so he didn't blame his son. But the advisors were not so forgiving. "Show some respect boy, we are here so early in the morning for an important business." One of them said, pointing her fingers towards him.
"Just get this done quickly, even dad here is sleepy" naruto said uninterested.
"Minato teach your boy some manners"
"Yes surely, after this we will."
"Leaving that aside, listen well young Naruto namikaze, we have decided to let you join the ninja Corp as a genin. The hokage will decide your team." The old man said.
"That's all" naruto asked.
"Yes that is all for now, we will call you again if we need to talk."
"Calm down boy. At our age, we sleep less, so since we got up early, we felt we should get our day started and this was the first work for the day." Koharu said. Both father and son were stunned by that reply. And both had similar cuss words running through their head. This was also that kind of a situation where naruto could not find anything to say. Minato banged his head on table, to show his displeasure. "I am going to get you for this." He said as he got up and grabbed naruto, and flashed away.
"Oh you are back early" kushina said, greeting them. She usually got up this early to get done with her chores and start running around the house to get everyone down by breakfast. "I have a mission for you kushina,"minato said in return. He was still pissed for what his advisors had pulled on him. Kushina looked at her husband and could see his devious smile and smiled as well. Naruto was confused. "And naruto this is going to be your first mission, with your mother."
"Alright ruto Chan, mother and you are gonna have some fun", kushina said cracking her knuckles. Naruto gave a nervous laugh as his mother pulled him in.
"Alright team 7 there are some important issues that I must tell you."
The hokage was telling to the remaining members of team 7. "Due to the invasion, we have been considerably weakened. So we have decided to take some actions that will help us take more A rank missions with whatever force we have remaining. There will be at least one team in 5 that will be made up with ninjas that would make the team cover every aspect of different teams. And you are lucky that team 7 among the rookies has been selected by unanimous decision to be that team." He waited to see their reaction. And he was happy to see a positive one. "So since you are a member short you will be getting a new member and one more member. It will only make your team very strong and you will be able to do your missions well with her and kakashi's guidence. Since this addisions also makes your team one of the strongest in all of konoha, we have very high expectations from you. You will be charged with all kinds of missions. Do not fail our expectations." Minato finished satisfied with himself. "You are getting an opportunity that many powerful chunin teams haven't, do not disappoint us." Shikaku nara said. He had been appointed the new advisor to the hokage after koharu and homura finally quit their job, thanks to a successful mission of a prank loving mother and her sarcastically innocent son. "We thank you very much for believing in us." Kakashi said for his team. "Yes you are to meet your new members at training ground 7 after lunch. And aki and umi your mother will not be home today so please eat the lunch outside. You are dismissed, kakashi please stay back and collect the team details you will be the captain in the absence of your captain. I am sorry to put you as a vice captain for your team."
"It's alright sensei, I have no problem, if only I had been a better leader, sasuke would still have been with us."
"It's not your fault, he couldn't be saved he chose to fall into darkness. After I see my son and him, though they each had a different story, but each of them had darkness. And while naruto chose to give them up, he is willing to hold onto them. It is really our loss that such a fine shinobi should go rouge. Can you at least let Itachi know." Minato said turning to his sensei, who was by the window.
"The last I knew of him was that he was on the move for an errand of the akatsuki. The boy is doing dreadful things so that we can gain information on that organization and we couldn't even save his brother."
Jiraya sighed.
"We couldn't save his brother, but we will surely save him. I don't want any information if it comes at the cost of his life and sanity. He is one of my most faithful shinobi and I can't just lose him."
"Then should we encounter him on any mission I will get your message through."
"Thank you kakashi, you may go now. You still have to meet your team." Kakashi left.
"I think you are making the right choice by bringing him back."shikaku said. "Hmm, I hope I am... We surely need all the powerful shinobi we have." Minato leaned back on his chair. " How is reconstruction coming up."
"It is slow but we are getting back up. But our forces at the chunin level have taken heavy damage. Their number is very less. We need more chunins and genins." Shikaku pointed out.
"I had high hopes for this year's graduating batch and I still do, shikaku, we will pull through." Minato said as shikaku nodded.

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