Chapter 21

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I was currently sitting in biology with Niall. He was just being pure funny, its like the first proper chat I had with him since I found out him and Lia were an item but it wasn't letting me get a word in! I wanted to find out.

"Niall!" I shouted, while he was singing im a barbie girl to himself.

"Jesus Lou, are you ok?" He said, I must of shocked him. Opps.

"I want to know all the details about you and Lia?" I asked smiling.

"You sure?" He cringed for some reason.

"Yes!" I giggled.

"Right, Mondays Wednesdays at mine Fridays at hers and somtimes a saturday night at mine if they're isn't a party going on" He said smiling.

I didnt understand, why was he telling me all these days?

"What, I mean like when did you become a couple?" I asked confused.

"What?! Hahaha, no Lou! We aren't a couple" He burst into laughter.

"Yes. wait what explain this to me then! I swear you kissed at her party?" I was baffed.

"Oh Fuck, well we aren't going out. We have sex, I guess she is my fuck buddy and we just have sex with each other a lot. I can't be bothered to have a relasionship and nethier can she so is easier to just have sex with each when we want." He explained

I was shocked, I thought they were going out. Opps, so did Perrie. But I thought she liked Niall. Mainly I thought she was scared off them before we got closer to there group.

"Wait, ew. Are you sure she doesn't like you? I swear she does. It comes across that way when I see you two toghether" I said.

"Well she is obviously attracted to me becuase like she wouldnt have sex with me if she wasn't I guess, but no not like that" He assured me.

"Just make sure if she shows any signs of really liking you, you finish and dont play with her please. She is important too me. Lia made me feel ok at the school before any one did. When I was crying in the toilets on the first day she was the one to come in and make sure I was ok" I explained

"Why were you crying in the toliets!? Why haven't you told us this? Does Harry know? Does Harry know and hasn't told us?" He said stunned.

"I'm sorry Niall but no! Harry doesn't know and even if he did he would not tell you! There is a lot you know about me that Harry does and he hasn't told you!" I said.

"Oh sorry, dont want to hear about your sex life with young Harold!" He cringed.

"Their is no sex life!" I shouted


"We enjoy each others company and sex will happen when it happens, but our relasionship is not based around sex" I calmy said.

"I guess you really aren't like the normal Harry girls" He smiled and nudged me.


I was in History with Harry next to me, the lesson had just started and I hadn't gotten the moment to tell him about what Niall had told me about Lia and him. Miss had been teaching thats why I didnt try to tell Harry yet but that didnt stop him from annoyying me! He kept poking my face and every now and again when I would completeally ignore him. He would come really close and stick out his tongue and lick my face. Yummy.

Finally Miss gave us pair work and Harry and I were fianlly able to talk.

"Harry stop licking me face!" I whispered loudly.

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