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"Grace, Grace, GRACE!" Scott yells shaking me awake, although I was up before he even walked in the room. "Grace..." He groans shaking me one last time.

"What!" I asks me opening my eyes and glare at him.

"School, come on let's go, get up. And hurry, I want to talk to Deaton first"

"About what?" I ask, sitting up and rubbing my hand over my face and trough my hair, giving my blonde locks a little shake.

"That guys Claws. Just get up and get ready please"

"Fine" I grumble and pull myself out of bed. Standing up I stretch my arms over my head and drop them back to my side. Scott just stands in front on me with an amused smile on his face.

"What?" I ask annoyed .

"Is the separation anxiety that bed that you have to wear Liam's clothes to bed?" He says looking down at my plain white top and a pair of black shorts with a white stripe down each side, both happen to belong to Liam.

"Actually yes it is" I say honestly.

"Really it's that bad? You two see each other every day" he looks at me surprised

"Doesn't matter, it still hurts not to be near him, his I can still smell him on his clothes so it helps a little but not enough"

"How does it hurt? Is it like physical pain?"

"No, more like an ache in my chest. Like my heart is clenching. Liam feels it too. That's why I always have to be near him"

"I didn't realise it was that bad"

"It's okay, most of the time, if it gets too bad, Liam seeks through my window" I say smirking and head to the bathroom hearing my brother mumble something about bars on the window.

After finishing my shower I warm up my skin to dry it, with my hands I warm them to a hot enough temperature and run them through my hair until it's dry. After brushing my teeth and styling my hair, I walk back into my room and to my wardrobe. Pulling out my underwear, a red dress and a plain cream cardigan. I get ready walk to my night stand, after tying on my watch and my necklace, I sniff the air and make my way down the stairs and stop next to the front door where I find my brown leather boots, slipping them on my feet I grab my bag of the peg and make my way to the kitchen where Scott is making toast.

"Toast?" I ask walking into the room and snatching the buttered slice out of his hand that he was about to eat.

"HEY!" He scolds me and tries to reach for it but I step back away from him. "You know you cold make some yourself"

"I know but yours is nicer" I say with a sweet smile. He looks over his shoulder to me and rolls his eyes.

"It's bread Grace, from the same loaf, it all tastes the same"

"Not true, Food always taste better when someone else makes it" I respond, finishing off the slice and checking over my clothes for any unwanted crumbs.

"Well don't you look cute" Scott says with a smirk "Dressing for the first day back or dressing for someone special?"

"Both" I state with a smirk. "I'm very special... I dress for me Scott, not for Liam. Besides if Lydia saw me and I wasn't in something cute yet cosy she'd rip my head off"

"True... um... I wanted to ask you something" He says looking at me with pleading eyes.

"What?" I groan and make my way to the back door with him following me.

Regression to the mean 2: ChimeraМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя