The Credible Thing

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Grace P.O.V.

It's been a few weeks since Eichen, Lydia is better and she's healing nicely from having a hole drilled into her. Right now Scott, Stiles, Liam and I are in the Jeep as we wait for Argent's text message. Argent being too good guy that he is, has been sitting in Parrish's apartment as the deputy sleeps, watching over him so he can follow if the deputy wakes up all Hellhound like and chases after the Beast.

"He's headed to the school" Scott informs us as he reads his new text.

"Whys Parrish headed to the school?" Liam asks from beside me as he leans forward sticking his head between the gap.

"It's not Parrish, at least not right now" Scott reminds him

"Okay, why's a Hellhound going to the School?"

"Cause he's got a yearning for higher education" Stiles replies sarcastically "Liam the Hellhound is heading to the School, so we're heading to the School, okay?" and shifts gear to drive faster.

Pulling Liam back, I swing my legs over his and nuzzle his neck, placing kisses here and there. A small growl comes from his throat as I kiss his collar, slightly nibbling on the flesh.

"Hey, Hey! Knock it off back there!" Scott and Stiles yell and I roll my eyes at the two and take Liam's face in my hands and connect our lips in a very rough kiss as our lips mould together, tongues and teeth clashing.

"Okay new rule, they don't get to sit together, ever!" I hear Stiles exclaim.

"Agreed" Scott hisses but neither of them do anything to stop us from continuing. Liam's hand begins to move from where it is resting on my thigh, up my body to my hip where it disappears under my shirt to rest on my waist.

"HEY! HEY! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM" Scott yells this time and I feel Liam's hand being yanked away from me. Pulling away from Liam, I look over to the front where Scott is now leaning over the back of his chair, holding Liam's arm by his wrist. My brothers once brown eyes, now their Alpha red. Warning his Beta who with slight hesitation backs down, his own eyes glowing their bright yellow.

"We're here" Stiles announces as he pulls up to the curb. Scott and Stiles both get out of the jeep and I wait for Liam to get out but Stiles turns back to me.

"Uh uh. This side he demands and holds his door open for me. Sighing I do as I'm told and jump out if the Jeep and walk around the other side as Liam is just getting out. Standing in between Scott and Stiles looking at the dimly lit School a loud bag of the Jeep door closing erupts from behind us and we turn to look at the Sheepish Liam who is rubbing the back of his head, knowing his mistake of not being quite.

"Sorry" He whispers to us and I laugh lightly. Liam bows his head and walks over to me but Stiles takes my arm and pushes me over to Scott, they're keeping us apart as much as possible I guess. We begin walking around the side of the School where Argent appears, coming around the corner.

"Where's Parrish?" Scott asks as we meet him in the middle.

"I lost him, he's moving too fast" Argent informs us.

"Scott" Liam's voice grabs all of our attention "That guy's not moving at all" he says and we all follow his gaze to the guy lying on the floor.

Liam, Scott and Argent all walk forward but Stiles and I hesitate, Scott looks back to us making us move forward to follow them and we reluctantly do as we get close to the body, Argent puts his arm out in front of me to stop me from getting any closer.

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