Lies of Omission

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Scott P.O.V

"My Asthma's back. I'm not sure how, but it came back, just as bad as it used to be. So now I keep my inhaler on me all the time, just like I used to. It's been five days and we haven't seen any new Chimera's and we haven't seen the Dread Doctors. We all go to school, pretending like nothing's happened. But everyone seems to know. You just walk down the halls and no one's smiling, no one's laughing. You get the feeling that everyone can sense that something's coming; they just don't know what it is or how bad it's going to be. And every time I feel like I should do something about it, I find myself reaching for my inhaler, like I'm going to take a hit of it and come up with some brilliant solution on how to save everyone. But I don't know what to do, I don't think anyone does. Maybe that's why no one's really talking to each other, sometimes we don't even notice each other... and I think some of us are okay with that, because not talking makes it easier to keep secrets. And I don't know if anyone is really lying about things, maybe it's more like Lies of Omission. Maybe the worst lie is to Stilinski, because no one has told him about Parrish yet, then again no one has told Parrish either, he doesn't seem to remember taking the bodies. Lydia thinks he's only really dangerous if you try to get in his way. If Stilinski knew the truth, he'd definitely get in his way. So Lydia and Stiles are trying to find the bodies, which means finding the Nemeton. They're driving around; searching all over the woods, the last time we found this thing, three of us had to almost drown in ice water. We're not the only one's looking for Chimera's; Stilinski got everyone looking for the next target. Questioning anyone that is a genetic Chimera, anyone that has got two sets of DNA... No one really knows what they're looking for. Some think it's a Serial Killer, some probably know it is worse. The two Chimera's that we know about, Hayden and Corey, they're both doing Okay. Actually better than Okay they're healing faster and getting stronger. They don't need our help; I don't think they want it any way. I still haven't heard from Kira, I'm getting more and more worried about Deaton. I know something's coming, and all I can think about is how good am I going to be if I can't even breathe?" I unload everything onto Theo as we stand in the Animal Clinic before school.

"You sound like your trying to apologise" Theo says.

"You came back looking for an Alpha; I guess I'm sorry that you found me"

"I'm not sorry"

"You still want to be part of the pack?" I ask slightly shocked.

"Scott" He laughs "I'm with you, for better or worse"

"Trust me there's going to be worse" I warn him.

"I'm counting on it"

Grace P.O.V.

"Liam... Liam... LIAM!" I call to the boy who is currently fast asleep in my bed, lying on his front so all I have is the view of his bare back. Sighing, I flip him onto his back and straddle his waist. Reaching forward I rake my fingers through his hair, scratching at his scalp. Mumbling Liam opens his eyes and looks up at me.

"Well I like this position very much" he beams to me and I roll my eyes at him. Shifting I get up off of him and climb out of bed. Standing at the side of my bed I stretch my arms over my head releasing a pop from my back. Two warm hands slide on the outside's on my thighs, turning me around and pulling me closer to the bed again. I stand in between Liam's legs as I look down into his bright blue eyes. Leaning down I press my lips to his briefly before pulling back slightly.

"Moring" I whisper, my lips lightly brushing against his.

"Morning beautiful" He smiles back at me. Leaning forward we kiss once again, as I'm about to pull away, he grabs me by the waist and falls back onto the bed talking me with him. So now i lay on top of him, giggling at his antics. "Shhhh, where's Scott?" He whispers to me.

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